Bonus Chapter #3 - End of and Post HTSSP

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And so HTSSP approaches its final arc after over 150 chapters.

Here's a little recap so the story so far.

Overview so far:

Act 1:

Stick of Truth Arc: Chp 1 "A Brand New Reality" - Chp 16 "Light at the Distorted Tunnel's End"

(Covers Stick of Truth)

Ad Arc: Chp 17 "Out of Order" - Chp 32 "Shutting Down"

(Covers Seasons S18-S19)

Development Arc: Chp 33 "Christmas With the Satanists Part 1" - Chp 45 "Uno Reverso"

(Covers Seasons S20-S21 Episode 4)

Fractured but Whole Arc: Chp 46 "The Fractured but Whole" - Chp 61 "Telepathic Titans"

(Covers TFBW, Casa Bonita DLC, Bring the Crunch DLC, The rest of S21)

Nahkriin Arc: Chp 62 "Undefeatable" - Chp 78 "A New Beginning"

(Covers Season 22, The Nahkriin War)

Bonus Chapter 1 - Chp 79

Act 2:

Expansion Arc: Chp 80 "Changing the Future, Take 2" - Chp 106 "Alternate Stick of Truth Finale - Bonus Unlocked: Day 4"

(Covers Alternate (canon) TFBW, Tenorman's Revenge, Alternate SOT, and various timelines)

Bonus Chapter 2 - Chp 107

The Dark Arc: Chp 108 "Stalked by an Angel" - Chp 130 "Epilogue - All For Two"

(Covers the First Ascension, First Multiversal Insurrections, Final Battle against Butters, and various timelines)

Act 3:

Ascension Arc: Chp 131 "South Park 64 Part 1 - Feathered F%#kers" - Chp 158 "Past vs Future"

(Covers South Park 64, First Multiversal Insurrections, the Ultimate Ascension, and various timelines)

Bonus Chapter 3 - Chp 159

Godly Gauntlet Arc: Chp 160 "???" - Chp ??? "???"

(Covers ?????, South Park: Snow Day, and ?????)

After a two week hiatus, I'll be starting the final and longest arc of this story, the 'Godly Gauntlet' arc, and once that's done in a few months... HTSSP will be over.

This passion project of mine has been going on for over a year now and I've enjoyed every bit of it so far, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't beginning to get burned out after over 600,000 words in nearly 160 chapters.

Then there's all the research and editing that goes into this, and with me just being one person, it really begins to get tedious after a while.

This story is still gonna end with several very large bangs, but once that's done, it'll probably be a while before I begin working on other projects. As for what said projects are...

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