Judge, Jury, and Executioner

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"Butters, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?" I can't help but cry out as I watch South Park be torn apart all around me.

"I'm doing what we should have followed through with, truly taking control of our future. I won't let the rest of us die, Dovah." I'm even more confused than scared after that answer.

"Taking control of our future? Butters, what the hell are you talking about?"

"I'M STOPPING OUR PROBLEMS FOR GOOD! HOW MANY TIMES WOULD WE ALL HAVE SUFFERED IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU? HOW MANY TIMES WOULD THIS WORLD HAVE NEARLY ENDED? You've been using your knowledge of the future to save us time and time again, but we don't have that anymore, Dovah!"

Butters starts to break down as I stare at him, speechless.

"Even when you knew the future, you still couldn't save everybody because you didn't use your power and knowledge cheats to your fullest! You knew ManBearPig was coming but Timmy and Stan still died!

Dougie died too during the Nahkriin war. I... I'm not blaming you for what happened. I didn't want to do this either, but that demon and the groups of monsters we hunted down showed me that what we're doing right now isn't enough. GSM, LOD, and everyone else we fought during the war were just a sample of all the evil in this world!

Nahkriin was enough. We were doing so well, hunting all those monsters down, but you fellas just had to stop it part way despite all the good we were doing."

"Butters, I already told you, if you go down this path, you will become like the monsters we've been trying to stop. The ads, the member berries, they've all tried bringing the world under their complete control! How different would we be from them if we did this?"

"Please Dovah, even with your knowledge of the future, you lost one of your best friends and I lost three of mine. Heck, you said it yourself that you have little to no idea what will happen now.

That advantage was all we had, Dovah! Without it, who knows how long it will be before something comes along and kills the rest of us! I refuse to let that happen!"

Lightning begins forming around him as his energy increases wildly to no end.

"At least this way, we will all be safe. The villains of Imaginationland are now all under my control and I can imagine countless more in an instant that will be forced to follow me! We can use them to control the world, stop every possible threat out there before they even become threats to begin with, and finally be safe!"

The Earth itself begins to tremble and I can't help but take a few steps back as lightning from the giant blond shoots out everywhere.

'I knew he was scared about the future and I knew he wasn't happy about Nahkriin disbanding, but I never imagined it was this bad! And where the hell did he get so much power from? It wasn't anything close to this during the war. It's at the level of ManBearPig... no... it's going way above it!'

Butters roars as he finishes powering up and I get blasted back from the shockwave. Not even a full-power Cthulhu or Shub-Niggurath have this much energy in them!!!

"H-How? When did you... h-how did you?" I stammer as Butters begins walking towards me.

"I learned from watching you, Dovah. If I want to become strong, I need to abuse every opportunity I have to the fullest. You always focused on the negatives of Imaginationland and what you couldn't do, but I focused on what I could. That's what you should have done during the war. The nukes were a good start to ensure victory, but that place can give us so much more if you think about it."

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