The Final Nail Part 1

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A few quick notes before we begin.

First, here's some more fanart from Cynnixs. The image this time is of Chapter 108 "Stalked by an Angel" where Dovah confronts Nagitana, a Wendy Testaburger who takes her Dragon Ball and Mortal Kombat cosplay extremely seriously.

You'll find the External Link to it at the end of the chapter.

Thanks everyone for the continued support and enjoy this latest chapter of How to Survive South Park.


Wendy's POV:

"Wow, this new me doesn't look half bad. I guess those annoying A.I.s kinda had to know a thing or two about just what they were advertising to begin with." I comment while checking myself out.

My jacket is now a jeans jacket that's open with both dark and light purple covering it and the former being more towards the middle of the jacket. It also has the Reddit mascot-like logo that Leslie's yellow shirt had on the upper right side of the jacket.

Along with that, I'm now wearing a similar yellow shirt to Leslie's own, only without the logo, and pitch black pants that resemble my old hair color.

Speaking of, my once raven-colored hair is now sky blue in color with my pupils being a similar shade of blue and the pair of brown shoes I have on completes my new outfit.

"Good on you for planning to take over the multiverse in style." I giggle a little as I spin around, feeling better than ever. Turns out this trap for me was a blessing in disguise as Leslie just saved me sooooo much preparation time.

All her bases, soldiers, ships, projects, and power is all MINE; T.K. is taking control of it all now.

And this is all on top of P.T.K!

Besides the massive amount of mechanical soldiers and resources she built up during her time as a Time Terror, I also got plenty of upgrades myself with the main one being the power to use the ad 'species' arsenal of abilities myself; no T.K. or other extra help needed.

And when it comes to sheer physical power, my power level is around 75,000 according to T.K! Forget that emo Red that's trying to corrupt Dovah, even Dovah himself may not be a match for me anymore!

Even the Exalted Agents shouldn't be able to stop me now!

(("The top ones most definitely could, Wendy. I'm patching the ego-expansion upgrade; try not to do anything stupid until then.")) Nope, not ruining this for me, binder!

On top of all that, I seem to have gotten the ability to go between the real and online world like what Stan did back when he was absorbed into his computer and traversed the land of Facebook.

(A/N: Season 14 Episode 4 "You have 0 Friends")

Transport isn't limited to just devices like phones and laptops either; I can pretty much go anywhere that's being powered by something and gain complete control over it.

Of course, I'd be stupid not to assume that places like the Time Patrol's facilities don't have countermeasures for that kind of thing that would end up frying me if I tried, but this ability is already broken enough as is.

I even gained the ability to create messages or ads at will on practically any screen to mess with them and cause malfunctions like what Leslie did when she was taken into that meeting room with Jimmy and those news guys.

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