Planetary Power

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Dark Angel Red's POV:

Dovah is... weird. That's honestly the best way I can put it.

Look at what the word means. Someone's weird if there is something unique or not normal about them. Something that unsettles others to the point of alienation.

Of course he's going to be different. He comes from a completely different reality after all. He's always going to be looking at things from a different perspective than people here no matter what point in spacetime they came from.

It's nothing that can't be slightly altered to see things more my way; he didn't rid himself of my darkness completely, but... there's more to him than just where he came from. Much more.

Dovah's thoughts in particular sometimes border on the more concerning side of weird. They often feel way more vivid than just thoughts, though, more like memories he's reliving.

I've learned more and more about him as months passed by. He's been on so many adventures, but he isn't like Stan and his crew. Those guys just have a bad habit of getting caught up in crazy bullshit while Dovah purposefully seeks it out.

Not for fun though. At least, not very often for fun. It's always for a bigger purpose or responsibility like stopping a problem from happening or altering certain events to have better outcomes.

It's both selfish and selfless at the same time, but who says it can't be fun too? Knowing what to do and how to change it to your will; that level of both excitement and control is something I crave.

Same with Dovah, just on a smaller scale. But that can change.

He just needs to realize how good this feels.

Then... there will be no stopping us.

'Us, huh?... Never thought I'd get so close with someone again.'

Dovah's POV:

"...I don't know what else I was expecting here."

"Well their DC counterpart's weakness is the color yellow, so yeah, I was already expecting disappointment." Red grumbles as we leave 'Green Lantern World'.

Yes, that's an actual planet in the reality of South Park.

Season 15 Episode 13, "A History Channel Thanksgiving". It's only seen on a map from one of the alien Pilgrims featured in that episode (I'll get back to that plot point later) showed to Kyle, and is described as "and this planet over here nobody really cares about".

Turns out the alien Pilgrim was spot on. Despite the planet having the symbol of a green lantern carved across the front of it, its inhabitants are not the Green Lantern Corps shown in DC. Instead, it's just a planet whose economy revolves around selling decorative green lanterns.

That's it. That's all they do.

No wonder nobody really cares about that planet.

Well when life gives you lemons, throw them at a Green Lantern. You should get a cool ring out of it if you do.

But on a serious note, two of the other alien worlds featured in that season 15 episode actually have useful stuff on it.

Side note, Red wanted to have P.T.K. destroy that planet out of spite, but I argued that the waste of energy and resources needed wouldn't be worth it. I want a proper test for my newest superweapon.

(("So which planet are we going after first? The discount Asgard or the Indian planet?"))

'Let's go after the discount Asgard first. Their tech looks to be pretty good, they have at least a few superweapons, there are tons of materials that we can take there, and I may also discover a bit more about my king class if we're lucky.'

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