Plan B

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"Let's head back to your room. Kenny and Timmy should be coming in shortly. They've been waiting outside for a while for you to wake up."

"They are? Oh, right. You're future me so of course you *yawn* know this shit." We head back with Kenny and Timmy arriving soon after like they did for me.

Not gonna lie, it feels great to see them again. These guys aren't total asshats like their canon TFBW selves, these guys have already broken free of their canon shackles and are well on their way to becoming my... I mean my past self's best friends.

(("Why hello there, Dovahkiin lookalike. Who might you be?")) Timmy asks and I tell them flat out. No time for cryptic future bullshit here.

"I'm this guy from the future. Long story short, the three of us failed in the end. We came pretty damn close but fucked it up big time at the finish line and I'm here to make sure you have a better shot at fixing the future then I ever did." My two best friends from the past look shocked for a bit with Timmy eventually breaking the silence once he processes my bombshell of an answer.

(("So where did we go wrong? We haven't really planned anything yet and-"))

"And you don't know the truth behind this guy's origins yet, but you were going to read his mind when he fell asleep later to find out. Yeah, I know."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, you'll come to find that Timmy has some serious privacy issues; telepathy powers tend to do that to people, but enough messing around. Timmy, I need you to read my mind. All of it. Both lives I lived, look through it all. It would take way too long to explain what happened and just in case I get erased because of this, I want you to know as much as possible beforehand."

Past me looks shocked at my request, but I let him know that it's okay.

Timmy himself is hesitant after finding out what this may cause, but I let him know that it's okay.

I then let all my mental defenses down as Timmy starts to look through my mind.

He hasn't really trained his powers much so it's probably going to take a while, but that's okay. Even a fraction of my current knowledge should be enough for him if this potential erasure happens faster then it did in season 4 for that android guy.

As he does this, I can't help but reflect a little as I quite possibly near the end of my own second life... and probably my last life if I really do get erased because of this.

My first life wasn't really anything special. I wasn't some super genius or one-in-a-billion prodigy or anything like that. I was just a regular guy, a background character in this crazy game called life.

But then I met Freeman, and got transmigrated into an animated cartoon world where I started my second life.

I went from being a background character to the main protagonist. I couldn't just ignore the main story after New Kid's role in Stick of Truth ended. I couldn't live as a powerless background character again because background characters had a bad habit of dying whenever things went to shit and South Park went up in flames for the umpteenth time.

I still avoided the spotlight for most episodes, I just focused on molding the plots to my liking in the background. There were times I was forced into the limelight like with Stick of Truth and the ads, but I mainly stuck with pursuing my own story within the canon story, growing friendships alongside my power.

Was it hard? Yes.

But do I regret it? No.

I got to spend years living and becoming friends with my favorite cartoon characters and went on so many crazy adventures alongside them.

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