Dovahkiin vs Dovah

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Before we begin, I'd like to announce that to celebrate this story's 1 year anniversary, I decided to go back and clean up the first few chapters. That and the sheer length of this one caused the slight delay. Feel free to check them out if you want to take a trip down memory lane.

I also have some more fanart from Cynnixs with this picture being a custom Phone Destroyer card based on Dovah; you'll find the external link to it at the bottom of the chapter. If anyone else has fanart of this story that they want me to showcase, just let me know and I'll put it up with a shout-out to the artist that made it.

Thanks for all the support and enjoy this latest chapter of How to Survive South Park!


"I WON'T LET YOU, (Y/N)! YOU AREN'T ME AND NEVER WILL BE!!!" The Dragonborn cried out, putting what little he had left into one last struggle.

"Did I not say that already?" His captor deadpanned before freezing him in place with telekinesis, rendering all his efforts in vain.

He simply knew too much. He simply prepared too much.

This was only going to end one way.

"You would've never accomplished this, but that's okay. I wouldn't expect you to be able to after everything you've been through. So just relax and enjoy the show, New Kid. You've suffered enough."

(A/N: The conclusion to Chp 119 "Mind in the Program" for those who forgot.)

And rest New Kid did. It's not like he had a choice.

His consciousness floated in a void. His grasp on time was marginal at best.

What was seconds on the outside was year inside... maybe? He wasn't sure. It was years, but also seconds, as if his mind couldn't grasp its own tiredness.

It was just like what happened before he was forcefully awakened. Images... memories kept flashing by. Sometimes they involved his captor, the transmigrator that took over his life. Other times, they were of himself and the life his parents did everything they could to make him forget.

This one day changed along with everything else.

Dovah had evolved. He became a god, his entire existence ascended... New Kid included.

He got a little more clarity after that. Things became more clear, and Dovah was becoming worse just like he feared. Just like he tried to warn the transmigrator he would.

Then, he evolved again. And again. And again. And again.

'Project Ascension' he called it. It was hell.

He lost track of just how many years it went on for ages ago... but such a thing provided an opportunity.

He was seething. He was furious. He was absolutely fucking livid. His consciousness had been assimilated with Dovah's for as long as he could remember; he could see what Dovah saw and felt what Dovah felt despite the biological processes behind these feelings being all but terminated.

He saw what his world was like and he desired to change it too, but not like this. Not by punishing evil and becoming a lesser evil. Maybe it was naive. Maybe it was unrealistic, but he didn't care.

Dovah did the impossible before, so why couldn't he?

Dovah could adapt, so why couldn't he?

'No! It doesn't have to be this way! It's happening all over again!'

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