Christmas With the Satanists Part 1

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It's been a few weeks since I killed Leslie and while I'm capable of mostly functioning now, I still feel kinda depressed.

After the ads were exposed, I made sure to send all the PCs packing. I refuse to deal with anymore of their shit. We also got Principal Victoria her job back which the entire school was thankful for and the students literally threw a party for her to celebrate her return.

I know there are a few episodes in the future that PC Principal is the star of but they're nothing important and I honestly couldn't care less at this point. I just want to wipe away any traces of season 19 from South Park.

Kenny and Karen are now permanent residents at my house and they've been helping a ton with my mental recovery. Timmy also hosted some therapy sessions with me which I'm really thankful for. It's not like I could just go to any ordinary therapist here 'cause I'll probably be thrown into a mental hospital after I get asked for a selfie.

Speaking of, Kenny and Timmy have pretty much become full-time members of Team Craig with all of us going on a few day trips over the weekends to have some fun. Turns out sand surfing is a thing you can do here. I found out real quick that the sand can be a pain in the ass when it gets in your clothes. Great, now I sound like Anakin Skywalker.

Kenny has never been happier now that he's away from his parents and can actually afford to do stuff. He's taken up a couple new hobbies over the last few weeks ranging from things like surfing to photography to inventing. Especially the latter.

His latest Science Fair project involved turning an old couch into a fully functioning motor vehicle. I can wholeheartedly say that riding around on one of those things is as cool as youtube videos portray it to be.

He's also become a huge fan of anime and manga with thousands of dollars already being put towards a variety of light and web novels. He says he's in it for the plot but with the various series he's getting into, I have to call bullshit.

Besides a few clear characteristics, Kenny has had a pretty blank slate on the show all things considered. I mean, it's pretty obvious to draw conclusions like he's a pervert and he dies all the time but there's a lot the show doesn't tell you about him and every character for that matter. South Park has never really focused much on character development though so it's understandable. It's a satire show at heart.

Granted, Kenny definitely had some time to shine like his stints as Mysterion or working at City Wok to get a toy for Karen. There was also the E-scooter episode and you could make arguments for "Cock Magic" as well.

On the other hand, the others in Team Stan don't really change all that much throughout the series and pretty much just reset personality wise by the end of every episode. See why I think Kenny is the main character here?

As for season 20, I intend to stop most of the shit that happened then and this time, I intend to do it right. Most of the storylines for that season could easily be avoided with a little ingenuity so I'm not too worried but if the ads have taught me anything, it's that I should always expect unknown variables to appear.

I don't have to worry about that for a while so I'm just going to focus on recovering and improving with the latter referring to a whole slew of things from friendships to knowledge to powers. There are still a few things I hope to gain from the next couple seasons and the member berries play a big part in it so I need to prepare a few things in advance like I always do.

I can start that preparation after Christmas. Tolkien threw a Christmas party at his place like last year and with some extra funds from Timmy, it's better than ever. I think about the last one a couple times during it and naturally, memories with Leslie pop up.

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