South Park 64 Part 6 - Metal Madness

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The girls, following what happens in canon (if you can even call this particular game 'canon'), head over to the Seismic Center and Robot Factory by Stark's Pond while fighting the hordes of Dragon Bots and taking down the multiple mile-long sci-fi ships I throw at them (sometimes literally; that caught the two off guard).

I allowed the girls to use their full power again since my ships are far stronger than anything this world has to offer after merging with so much alien, future, and Time Patrol tech.

Taking inspiration from Star Wars Battlefront 2, they have to board the giant ships and take out several critical systems (weak points) I had T.K. set up for the occasion. They could also destroy the ships without taking advantage of those, but that method would waste way too much energy; something I made sure to let them know.

I also let them know that they should look for patterns when it comes to weak points and areas to avoid on these dreadnoughts; it'll help save them plenty of time and effort if they do.

Even the most basic strategy and tactics can make all the difference in battles. I've seen that time and time again here.

Now you may be wondering why I'm having them use their full power from here on out. Isn't it better to train in base form? Well, it's all about finding a balance.

Power is far from the only thing I want them to improve. Besides, they can do that anytime they want. These augmented stages are meant to teach them teamwork and adaptability above all else.

(("A good enough lesson plan, but what if the ship crashes while they're still on it?"))

'Meh, we've all dealt with worse.'

Flashback - Dovah's POV:

Several more Stormtroopers get beheaded by my blue lightsabers as I make my way through the iconic flying metal behemoth from Star Wars. I know I've said this before, but Imaginationland kicks fucking ass!

"Alright, we should be approaching the command center soon." I tell my Jedi apprentice. "Hopefully Karen's still willing to turn back towards the light side."

"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you about that. Shouldn't Karen be on the light side while I'm on the dark side?" Tricia questions.

"That would probably be a better fit, yeah, but Kenny has an unfair bias towards his biological little sister. Look on the bright side though, the Jedi always win in the end, right? Well, it took like 20 years for Palpatine to die after building his empire excluding the sequel trilogy shit, but still..." I ramble on while Tricia gives an unamused stare back.

Come to think of it, guys on the dark side always seem to be living it up in positions of power while light side guys just run away to become hermits on deserts and swamps the second the dark side guys get the advantage. What's up with that?

'Come to think of it, Jedi are supposed to not get attached to anything too.' I just now realized. 'The Sith also have way cooler powers! Why the fuck would I want to be a Jedi when-'

[kkkkssssssshhhhhhhh... Ahem, this is your captain and local Sith Lord, Darth Y'nnek speaking.]

Oh no.

[If you look out your window, you'll get to see what happens when a Star Destroyer does a summersalt!... wha-hey! Give me tha- kkkkssshhh... uhhh, fellas? This is Butters. Y-You all might wanna hang on to something heavy.]


'...Goddamnit, Kenny.'


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