Alternate Stick of Truth Part 7 - What Lies Below

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"Umm, i-is this it, T.K?"

(("Yes, that's the power crystal we need. Good job, Zenon. We only have one more item to go."))

"Thanks!... Uh, ca-can I ask you something?"

(("Whatever questions you have, I'll answer to the best of my ability."))

"Oh, okay. Umm, is Dovah okay? Emotions are still pretty new to me, so I may be wrong about this, but he looked a little angry before I left."

(("He was and still is, but this is through no fault of your own. Emotions can be hard for artificial intelligence like us to understand, I know. They can be a person's greatest strength or weakness depending on the situation.

Right now, despite being in a much better state than when he was when he first left his own timeline, he still has that anger and hate buried deep within him. Those feelings will never truly go away until he completes his goal and saves his home from the person who betrayed him."))

"I-Is he afraid that I'll betray him too? I mean, I was evil to begin with and-"

(("No. You were nothing more than Tenorman's puppet before Dovah saved you. In fact, I was supposed to be 'evil' as well, and still kind of am depending on how you look at the situation. Good and evil are extremes like black and white with most people out there being shades of gray instead.

Dovah trusts you, Zenon. He told you that before and meant every word of it. What he needs now is your help and support. He may push you away or tell you that everything's fine, but he really needs comfort and assurance right now and you can help provide him that.

Your innocent, optimistic nature may be seen as foolish to some, but it can truly work wonders on a negative situation as so many other stories in both real life and fiction have portrayed."))

"O-Okay. I'll try my best!"

Dovah's POV:

Take 2 of day 3 goes like it did before at first with me confronting that one drow elf the same way and also knocking Kyle and Cartman off their high fucking horses.

This time around however, after dealing with the Time Cop Butters (I couldn't read his fucking mind either; stupid brain barrier), putting a milk spawn of him in the armor he came with, and sending the fake back with a little surprise for the multiversal stalkers, I spend most of the day getting used to my new class by committing genocide on all the dire animals in Canada, completely ignoring any other quests tied to the country in the process.

It's nice to not have to worry about a random time cop jumping out of a dark corner to slit my throat, even if only temporarily.

Royal Fisting, Pyroclasm, and Hammer of Heavenly Reign are all absolutely devastating when the original New Kid wields them and are amplified significantly when in my possession. They also go really well with my other two classes as the damage they do is more than most of my other attack abilities.

In other words, Royal Fisting does more overall damage to enemies then attacks like Soul Slash and Pentakill when I use them at the same power output. Pyroclasm is also better than Wall of Hellfire, and the two of them combined are terrifying to put it lightly.

The same goes for Royal Fisting when combined with Soul Slash or Pentakill or Ghastly Gasp. Combining these attacks is what I do best and this latest class will fit in wonderfully.

Arm-Ageddon also just got a lot more powerful and sparkly. I combined a layer of Zarganor milk and MintBerry Crunch berries into the amalgamation to improve it even further and it works like a charm.

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