Controlled Chaos Part 1

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"Just assist them against Butters however you can and try hinting at the theories you've made to the others, ok?"

Wendy nods along as I brief her on what to do when the heroes raid U-Stor-It tonight.

When I got home last night, I found an angry Tweek waiting for me while Craig and Tricia were having a shouting match over... I don't even know what the hell they were fighting about. I gave their stuff back and ended up being forced to mediate a therapy session between Craig and Tricia instead of Craig and Tweek which wasn't very fun and also didn't work at all.

At least Craig and Tweek are friends again.

As for what happened at Buca De Faggoncini, Cartman and his crew got Classi like in canon and used Jimmy's super speed to get away from the Freedom Pals who showed up during the chaos. The latter was stuck on damage control which Coon and Friends were happy about and took credit for stopping the Italian mafia which Coon and Friends were not happy about.

Classi got her prescription thanks to Cartman and now Coon and Friends are attacking Butters' lair with help from Toolshed since he owed Kyle and Scott a favor after dealing with his dad.

As for Butters himself, I already texted him some instructions on how to handle the attack using my, as Timmy calls it, "Henchman Phone". He's basically doing the same stuff as in the canon game only with more minions than usual as he kept all the guys from his Facebook scheme during the episode "Franchise Prequel".

I'm basically having Wendy go and guide the heroes in the right direction later tonight while I go take care of a certain Outer God living under the town's police station.

As I brief Wendy on what to do, I notice she seems less eager and motivated then before so I decide to ask about it.

"You ok, Wendy? You look like you've got something on your mind."

"Huh? Oh, no it's nothing... mind if I ask you something, Dovah?"

"Go for it."

"Are you... feeling better?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean after what happened with the ads. Are you ok?"

"Honestly, I wasn't for a long time but I managed to get closure in the end. I've moved on."

"Oh, okay. Glad to hear it!" She puts her hand on my shoulder as she smiles at me. Not a very good time to be doing this, Wendy. Better change the subject.

"How about you? Are things going ok with you and Stan? I know doing vigilante stuff can be stressful and hard to fit into your schedule at first. With all the stuff you're doing in school and Stan plus your friends, it must be tough getting some free time for yourself."

"Oh, that's not really an issue for me. I learned how to organize my time properly ages ago. You don't need to worry about that. Just be careful at the police station, ok? I know you're really strong but you can always rely on me for help."

"Thanks, Wendy. Don't worry, I've got this under control. You just focus on your mission and I'll focus on mine, okay?" I can tell from her slight change in facial expression that isn't the answer she wanted.

"Okay. Good luck Di- Dovah! You've got this, Dovah!" I can mentally hear Timmy laughing his telepathic ass off as she blushes a bit and I quickly leave. Screw you, Timmy!

I guess that confirms it then considering she nearly used the nickname Leslie gave me. Why can't the girls here ever get the memo? Just because I moved on from Leslie doesn't mean I'm back on the market!

Maybe, and this is a big maybe, when all the problems in the show are taken care of and we finally get some peace time, I'll consider getting into relationships, but for now, I still have plenty of work to do.

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