Deleted and Devoured

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A few quick announcements before this latest chapter begins.

First, here's some new fanart from The_REAL_Dan_Mandel of Dovah and Zenon, the copyright-free version of FlipReaperZ's Prototype X-1/Xenon from the fan-made animation series 'The Untold Chronicles of South Park'.

An External Link is a the end of the chapter just in case this link doesn't work.

Second, after a little less then a year, HTSSP is now at almost 26,000 Reads!!!

Thanks for the continued support, everyone! Dovah's journey through this reality is still far from over, so there's plenty more to look forward to from How To Survive South Park!


Deep in the snowy mountains of South Park, in a ruined UFO surrounded by the government...

"Everyone. Everyone STOP!" The Big Bad Government Guy charges in, interrupting his subordinates as they tinker with the alien technology.

"Sir, we have word that we have breached the core! We have lost contact with the men sent underground!" One of the other suited government agents informs his superior.

But good ol' EyePatch McBadGuy doesn't care one bit about that.

"To hell with the underground. Look at this!" He orders before heading over to a laptop.

"Can anyone explain this to me?"

"...We have him covered, sir. He's just some new kid that moved into the area a few days ago." The other agent mumbles with all the other military staff, agents, and guys in hazmat suits crowding around the laptop.

"Oh really? Look at that Facebook page. He's already made over four dozen friends across three social networks and yet... he's a new kid?"

That little detail gets everyone else's attention.

"How does a kid move to town and in two days becomes friends with cheerleaders and goth kids. It's impossible!" Government Guy continues.

"...You think he's it? You think he's the Dragonborn?" The other agent whispers.

"But... that's just a myth!" A military officer argues. "Isn't it?"

"The prophecy says the Dragonborn will be the one to unite us all. The others will have picked up on that too, which means we have to get to the core of this spacecraft NOW!

GET BACK TO WORK!" Government Guy barks. "And keep an eye on HIM!" He adds on, pointing to the kid who's profile he was just gawking at.

"Well, you heard him." The one who said that gets everyone's attention. "Keep an eye on me."

I choose this moment to jump down from the support beam I was sitting on and use an Unholy Combustion to blast EyePatch McBadGuy's head apart before he can even react.

The other agents are all killed within the next minute.

(("For Freeman's sake, we're supposed to be OBSERVING, DOVAH! NOT INTERFERING! This is a stakeout, not a raid!"))

"I know, I know. I just couldn't resist fucking them over there. I'll reverse time and their memories and let the story carry on as normal."

(("Please do. And no more interfering please. We already had our fun with Alternate SOT, remember?"))

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