Tenorman's Revenge Part 3 - Re-Emergence and Revenge

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Wall after wall. Building after building. Factory after factory. I hold nothing back as I blast my way through this section, wiping out any enemies that are unfortunate enough to be standing in my way.

"Fucking hell, Dovah! Why didn't you just do this at the start?" Cartman asks.

"Like I said, I'm looking for some things here myself. There isn't anything I need in this location."

"Oh. By the way, shouldn't the air around us be overheating from friction or something? Is your magic shield dealing with that along with air resistance? Also, I've noticed a distinct lack of sonic booms whenever you go apeshit and I'm 90 percent sure you go well beyond the speed of sound when that happens."

Right, forgot for a bit that Eric Cartman isn't just gifted in manipulation tactics and entrepreneurship. The fatass can be one smart bastard in pretty much anything when he has the motivation for it.

If only he put that much effort into school... Although, to be fair, I half-assed my time at school here too. Being 10 years old for eternity doesn't exactly help with motivation in that department considering that we just repeat the same year over and over again.

"You want the simple answer or the sciency answer?" I ask him.

"Simple please."

"Alright. Telekinesis kicks ass."

Not only Cartman, but the entire team just stares at me confused as I continue demolishing the sentient towel factory.

"Fuck it, give the sciency answer."

"Okay, so quick crash course on how the world works. Air is made of matter, sound travels through matter, and telekinesis can control matter. Basically, I use telekinesis to control the movement of air molecules to prevent them from producing sonic waves, or in other words, reducing the intensity of sonic booms, if not outright getting rid of them." I explained to my teammates.

"Meanwhile, heat is merely the rate at which atoms vibrate, and said vibration can be lowered once again via telekinesis as it's a product of movement.

TLDR: sound manipulation and temperature control come in a package deal with my OP telekinesis." I then conclude.

Now don't get me wrong, what I just described is incredibly difficult to do and it would be impossible for me to achieve a control of this level without T.K's help. Hell, not even the Timmy in my timeline could do this! He only theorized he could accomplish things like this before he died and everything went to shit.

The reason he tried theorizing how to do this stuff (despite not being able to reach such speeds himself) was because he wanted to make Jimmy's TFBW 'Ultimate' capable of transporting others as well. The crippled comedian could only run around the planet himself using that ability; anyone hanging onto him would either get blown off or whiplash.

Timmy wanted to fix that which would allow Jimmy to essentially become the closest thing to a living warpgate as possible (without actually being one) as his ultimate could get others to the opposite side of the world by the time they blink and he is very precise when running and stopping since he can appear back at the position he started at after running around the entire planet multiple times in seconds for his ultimate.

We already had portal guns, but having backup plans never hurt anyone. It was just one of numerous experiments and theories Timmy was immersed in before he died, and while I didn't partake in many of those myself, I did pay attention when he talked about them.

How to Survive South ParkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon