The Storm Before The Calm

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'Season 20 should be starting in a matter of days.' I think to myself as I stare out the window. There's currently a nasty thunderstorm going on outside which made me give up trying to fall asleep so I'm just staring out a window while going over what's left of this latest season's big plan in my head one more time.


It's just me and Karen in the house right now and the latter isn't a big fan of storms. I can hear her jump every time lightning strikes down.

It didn't take long for me to grow concerned so I decided to head into her room to check up on her. I ended up finding her shivering under her covers. She jumps and squeaks when I open the door.

"Hey, don't worry Kare-bear. It's just me. Are you okay?"

"O-Oh. I'm ok Dovah-EEP!" Another lightning bolt just hit pretty close to home as soon as she lifts her covers a little. Did Timmy install lightning rods here or something?

"I-I'm okay. I'm okay." She tries to convince herself but it's not working well.

"You can be honest with me, Karen. It's okay that you're not okay. You can tell me what's wrong." I climb up onto her bed and give her a hug. Fun fact, an unintentional change here involving Karen is that she's maintained her hairstyle shown in season 19 instead of her original mini-Heidi look.

I never really had to deal with younger siblings before Karen but Kenny gave me some good tips when I asked. Those should come in handy.

"Well, I-I uh... it's really scary outside. It seems to be raining really hard, and, well, i-i-it, um, aaAH... the thunder's really loud too. Do you mind staying here for a while?" My next mission will be to find a way to kill thunderstorms. That actually gives me an idea.

"Of course, Karen. I'll always be here for you."

"Yay! Thank you. I appreciate that. Um, I'm sorry."

"For what? Did something bad happen?"

"Um no, I just didn't want to keep bothering you. I-I uh, well... I thought that you'd be busy on a mission or something. I don't know." Oh god, please tell me we haven't been neglecting her. We go on missions and hang out at the base a lot but we always make some time for Karen despite our busy schedules.

I immediately text Kenny to ask him what to do.

Serious G.C:

Kenny: Fuck I didn't think she felt that way now. I try to at least spend several hours a day with her but I guess that isn't good enough. I'll get Timmy to pull back on the missions for us from now on.

I don't notice Karen peeking over my shoulder as I read.

"N-NO! You don't have to do that. You guys are doing this to save the world all the time. That's way more important than me." This little girl is too good for this world.

"Karen, you're the most important thing in the world to Kenny and I. You don't need to sacrifice our time together for this. You've been through enough." She begins to tear up at this and I do my best to console her.

Serious G.C.:

Kenny: She saw the text didn't see? Good going stupid. I'll be back as soon as I can.

Dovah: I got this under control. What about Timmy?

Kenny: Timmy can go eat his crippled ass! Karen is and always will be top priority.

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