Law and Order

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"Now, I don't mean to say I told you so... oh, wait. Yes, I most certainly do."

"Dragonborn weally toss away his humanity like that-o? He wery determindito!"

"Yes, he's very determined. Now give me my 5 dollars, Announcer." Morgan Freeman sticks his hand out to one of his equals who pays up begrudgingly.

"You do realize what will happen when your little police force confronts him, right? They're already sending someone to investigate the recent time distortions. Now that he can actually utilize that device..."

"I told you, Reality; they aren't my police force. They're more yours then anything with how similar your ideologies are. If you look past all the corruption in theirs, of course."

"My point is, it will be absolute chaos when they piss him off. Not if. When! He wants revenge against a monster, but will likely become something far worse in the process when certain factors decide to start egging him on, which they totally will!

Those guys are engaging in a multiversal chess match right now with those terrors and Dovah is going to throw a fucking grenade on the table when he gets caught up in that."

"If it happens, it happens. With infinite universes out there, influencing one or a billion for good or evil is ultimately moot... and yet many of them strive to do just that to satiate their own beliefs." Freeman explains and Reality rolls his eyes.

"If this comes back to bite us, I don't intend to get caught in that sinking ship. *sigh* We really should've given this entire reality self-fixing properties permanently. It worked well enough in the timelines with genocidal Trapper Keepers to begin with."

"Having these universes naturally correct temporal paradoxes will limit what their inhabitants can do, the branches in time they can make, and the stories we get to view." Freeman counters. "We switched how time travel works in most universes here after that Skynet parody happens for a reason; it simply makes things more entertaining to watch.

Using Dovah's classification of events for reference, take a look at season 10's "Go God Go" two parter and the time-traveling mess that was the end of Fractured but Whole. If we didn't have those timelines switch to creative branches when altered, those events never would've happened."

(A/N: Season 4's Trapper Keeper had 'Back to the Future' style time travel where changing the past erases and replaces the present. That changed to multiverse theory being a thing in all future time travel episodes as well as the games that feature time travel like TFBW. Another thing that makes zero sense in South Park, so I'm just going to blame God, aka Morgan Freeman for this and call it a day.)

"Well because of your desire for a good story, instead of being erased and replaced with a version of himself that's much more likely to get a good ending while not fucking up this entire reality, we now have a transmigrator with both the tools and knowledge needed to become a multiversal threat if given enough time."

"Oh? You believe he can reach a level similar to ours someday?" The divine taco store owner inquires.

"...The potential is there and you know that. His new 'partner' knows that as well and probably won't rebel because of it, unlike what happened with most of the others. From how he is to who, when, and where he ended up, it's simply a recipe for disaster."

"I shall grab popcorn-o! Would you like salt shaker?" The god that Dovah would recognize as the narrator for a certain very old South Park game offers.

"You go do that, Announcer. Make mine with extra butter, please."

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