Nahkriin War Part 1 - Entropy

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In a storage locker filled to the brim with conspiracy shit, a familiar Ex-Vice President is currently throwing a one-man party to celebrate the death of his long-time number one enemy, ManBearPig.

Said party is then cut short when the entrance to the storage locker is blasted open and in walks Cartman, Kyle, Butters, and Dovah.

"Hey! How did you find my super secret base? I did such a good job hiding it, okay, I'm like super cereal about-"

"Zip it, Al Gore. You know everything there is to know about ManBearPig and everything related to it, right?" Dovah clarifies.

"Yes, but the threat is no more and I-"

"I fucking know. I'm the one who killed the fucking thing before it turned into a Nazi Zombie. Then Kenny killed it for good. Point is, I need every last bit of data you have on anything related to it. People who made deals, any cults who worship it, anything."

"Ohmygosh, it's YOU! Yes, of course! I'm guessing you want to make sure it stays gone by destroying anything that might bring it back?"

"We know it's gone for good. We just want some fucking payback." Cartman growls.

"What Cartman said; we're done taking chances. Any surviving group of bastards that fucked with South Park in the past is going DOWN!!!"

Several Days After the Fight with ManBearPig:

Kenny's POV:

Just getting out of bed feels like a fucking chore for me now but I have to stay positive, I have to stay strong for her.

Is this what Stan and Kyle felt everytime I would die when we were still friends? No, I know for a fact that they grew numb to it after a while. I saw proof of it on our fucking show!

Yeah, we're able to see South Park the show thanks to a combination of Dovah's memories and Imaginationland. I binge watched most of it a while back and holy shit does the stuff we do look ridiculous from an outsider's perspective. I should probably thank Dovah for doing that the next time I see him.

Problem is, I have no idea when that's gonna be. I've only seen the guy once since the funeral (it was the day right after) and he looked like he needed some space so I kept my distance but now I'm worried that he's going to do something really stupid once he decides to stop being like the goths and lets his emotions out.

It's just been Karen and I at the house since the funeral and the former has helped cheer me up a little since then but this isn't something I'm just going to get over lickety split. Timmy is dead and there's no bringing him back. We fucking failed, plain and simple.

'The stupid Buddha Box episode should be starting soon. I can see Dovah getting addicted to that just to get this shit off his mind. Hell, I would probably get addicted to it if it didn't mean neglecting Karen!'

Speaking of, as I walk downstairs in my pjs, I can see Karen in her own Terrance and Phillip onesie pajamas making some waffles for us in the kitchen.

"Hey, big bro. I made- well, I'm making breakfast for you. Do you want any toppings on your waffles and does Dovah want any?"

"I'll take some whipped cream and I still have no idea where Dovah is. He hasn't answered any texts or calls and I can't sense his energy which means he's either purposefully hiding it or he's dead and I don't think there's anything left on this planet that can kill him now."

"Oh, okay. Tell me when you see him and I'll try and cheer him up too, okay?"

"Okay, Kare-bear." I answer as I hug her from behind. I can't let depression get to me now, I still have people I need to protect.

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