Alternate Stick of Truth Part 6 - Hail to the King

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I smile as the golden aura of this newest 'class' of mine begins to surround me. This isn't like when I travel between timelines, this aura is much larger and more refined.

I didn't even use my Netherborn clothes beam to make this newest costume change. My outfit switched to my regular look along with a red cape and golden crown, or in other words, New Kid's look (color palette is optional) at the start of Fractured but Whole.

I summon the golden scepter that comes with the Pyroclasm ability in one hand and the golden hammer of heavenly reign in the other hand. The ground trembles as the guys on Clyde's side instinctually back away.

"Hail to the king, bitches!" I raise my scepter to the air and the sky turns green as meteors hurl down on the dark warriors. Dozens of explosions reign out as I charge towards the nearest enemy and slam my hammer down on him.

I then teleport to another and another as the other kids on Clyde's team start running away. The Nazi Zombies on the other hand surge forward, but a Royal Fisting from me blows one to bits and my new hammer bashes another one's head in.

Some demons and a few dire animals approach next with laser beams, balls of ice, and Pentakills being hurled at me, but I deflect them all with my scepter and counterattack with another Pyroclasm. Green meteors squash and blast back the various animals and hellspawn with the big one at the end removing the top half of a demon general.

Some more of Clyde's dark warriors attempt to heal the enemy troops still alive and I know that the basic attack strategy in fantasy parties is to target the healers first, but I don't really need any strategy here. The power difference means I can win no problem, so I might as well let loose.

'So much power and this is just the basic attacks the class has. I haven't even tried combining abilities yet!'

(("Theory: Your already massive power is amplifying the effectiveness of this class like your other ones alongside better usage in general.")) Makes sense. The New Kid from the timeline I did TFBW in wasn't anywhere close to this powerful with the class.

Don't get me wrong, he was insanely powerful with it. I'm just on a whole other level.

[Royal Fisting x Hammer of Heavenly Reign]

The giant golden gauntlet grabs the giant golden hammer and slams into the ground, tearing apart the street I'm on while sending all enemies flying. Another Pyroclasm finishes this group off mid air.



With my new weapons in hand and a rapidly growing aura, I pave the way for the rapidly growing army as we approach Clyde's house.

'Are those visitor's ships?' I wonder as several familiar UFOs fly overhead. I then remember one of the first trailers released for the game. Specifically, the ending of it.

'Oh, that should be fun.' I think to myself as I blast through Clyde's house and into his backyard. Dozens of Dark Warriors and Nazi Zombies surge towards me but Royal Fisting and Pyroclasm are massive AOE attacks so that strategy doesn't turn out well for them.

A massive golden gauntlet slams into the ground which rapidly uproots it and sends a squadron flying back. Green meteors slam onto another squadron, blasting them back and knocking them out cold.

I don't even bother entering the fortress and just jump from platform to platform, scaling the castle and landing at the entrance to where you meet Craig for his boss fight.

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