Past vs Future

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No more holding back. No more fucking around.

I ascend not just physically, but mentally too. The latter is something I tend to leave to T.K. full time, because frankly, I'd rather think like a human then think like a god. Thinking like a human is what let me surpass gods in the first place, right?

(("I already told you, embracing what we have become mentally won't turn your very nature into that of someone like Morgan Freeman. You're still you; I know you won't become complacent or uncaring about everyone but yourself."))

'It's more than a simple software update for me, T.K. I could fully turn into some outerdimensional Lovecraftian higher being, uncaring about the world of 'ants' around me, even my own family, despite them being what gave me and continues to give me strength if I'm not careful.

I'll tap into this power mentally on occasion, like when fighting guys like Young Freeman or C.C. or even my past self now to prove a point, but I won't be embracing that entirely. I won't become a deity like Morgan Freeman; my aim has always been something higher than that.'

(("Fine. It'll work for now, but this conversation isn't over."))

My vision goes black. Then sound died, all smells disappeared, and I no longer even felt my own body or tasted the flames in my own mouth. For a mere moment, all my senses were gone as if I was stuck in some void.

That's the best way I can describe the first part.

The second part... the best word to describe it is 'clarity'.

Every detail. Every sound, taste... the feeling of my aura's heat, every last atom of clothes touching my body... not a single thing was missing. My usual heightened senses reach a new level far beyond anything I could do before.

I felt it all. I encompassed it all.

I temporarily, completely become something more than the people around me could ever imagine, and lose what little was still tying me to humanity, basic emotions and desires included.

I still don't like it. There's a reason why I've only entered this state a couple times such as during my fight against Young Freeman. I'll find something better than this option eventually, but for now...

My enemies' thoughts, feelings, powers, and everything else about them is laid bare in front of me as I briefly embrace my higher self in full.

T.K. and I exchange millions of accelerated thoughts and have countless conversations in the time it takes my past self to blink.

'So this Leslie is technically a cyborg now? Only instead of a human gaining robot stuff, it's a robot getting human stuff?'

[It appears so. The best way I can describe it is biomechanics for robots. Her body, through various gene incorporation traits, has biological, albeit severely modified metallic flesh, blood, and muscle fibers alongside synthetic or artificial muscles and nanomachines that resemble blood and body cells.]

'Incorporating metal into the cells of living tissue... That kind of natural biological adaptation is what we gave the Fledglings and Lotgral, something you said was difficult even for you.'

[Based on the data I had at the time. It appears that I should've properly looked into the evolutionary potential of ads who took human form to gain a better understanding of this practice. The analysis of this Leslie alone has given me a considerable amount of helpful data for future projects.

The biological part of her body actually resembles that of Butters with its electromagnetic abilities. It is essentially a superconductor with supercharged mitochondria and other unique properties seen in fictional characters like Electro from Spider Man.

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