Sibling Wars Part 1 - Little Posers

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"Hey, Karen. You doing alright?" Dovah quietly asked the six year old girl, being careful to avoid the blue flames littered around her.

"Kinda? My hands... they hurt weird." Karen admitted to him, presenting her dried, strained, and slightly burnt hands to the transmigrator.

He wasn't her big brother yet. It had only been a few weeks since the showdown with the ads after all; a few weeks that Dovah has spent recovering both physically and mentally from his fight with Leslie.

But for now, he's putting his own problems aside for the little girl he was forced to avoid for far too long. It was necessary to keep up his cover, but it still hurt plenty.

He pressed his fingers onto barely visible membranes at the bottom of her palms, right near the wrists. When Karen hissed from the pain, Dovah stopped while giving a light smirk.

"It means you've been working hard, Karen. Besides the dried skin and slight burns, you've also strained parts of your hands from using your power a lot."

"Huh?" The girl questions. "I was just... you know, shooting fire now and then. They weren't even Soul Slash attacks, just small, regular balls of magic fire."

"It was enough." Dovah shrugged and patted her head. "Keep training it every day. Learn to control it; you'll grow stronger and better from it before you know it. It isn't just the Netherborn power you're training, Karen. By doing this, you're training your whole self."


"It's like the guys in those old kung fu movies. They didn't just learn how to fight; they also grew stronger and better as people." The transmigrator gently explains.

"Oh, okay... still hurts though."

"It means you're learning, Karen. When it no longer hurts, it means you've learned enough." Dovah assured the girl.

"Now come on, let's get you patched up before your brother sees you and blows a gasket. I'd use a Dire Shroud on you myself, but I just finished my own round of training and don't have much energy to spare. Timmy taught us both first aid though so that should hold you over until I recharge a bit."

"...Okay, but are you okay?" The little Netherborn suddenly asks.

"I'm alright; I've gotten a whole lot better at using this dual class after-"

"I meant after what happened at the Gun Show. Kenny didn't tell me much about your plans, but it looked like you really cared about that girl with the yellow Reddit shirt. Um... s-sorry if bringing it up hurt your feelings or-"

"It's okay, Karen. Leslie... I gave her a chance. I hoped she would realize that she was more than what the ads wanted her to be, but not every android is like the Terminator and Robocop." Dovah smirks before giving a sad sigh.

"It hurts a lot, but what's done is done. There's no changing the past, even with my TimeFarts. All I can do is learn from that experience and do better next time."

"And I'll help you with that! I'll help you and Kenny beat the bad guys, right?" The little girl chirps.

"If that's what you want, then yes. Only when you're ready though; your brother and I still have a lot to teach you. We both made a lot of mistakes over the years and we want to make sure that you can avoid said mistakes. We'd be pretty shi- uh, pretty awful teachers if we didn't."

"You guys aren't shitty teachers! You're the best teachers ever!"

"Thanks, Karen. But don't let your brother hear you using bad words like that or he'll have my head, and unlike him, I can't come back from that."

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