Dinner at Lorelai's Pt. 1

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Lorelai walks into the diner greeting and startling Luke causing him to spill coffee on the counter.

"Oh jeez"


"No, I'll just- you want some coffee?"

"No it's ok, I'll just lick it off the table" Lorelai says trying to lighten the mood as she notices Luke seems a bit stressed out.

She starts questioning him about his nephew and realizes Luke has no idea what he's gotten himself into. The conversation continues until Jess enters the diner heading straight for the stairs but was stopped by Luke.

"Jess, hey, good. I'd like you to meet someone"

"Hey, hi, I'm Lorelai. I just wanted to meet you before Luke had the chance to fill your head with all kinds of little lies about me"

Jess stared blankly at her giving a simple hi in response.

"You know, you should meet my two daughters. They're about your age. Especially my youngest, she can show you were all the good wilding goes on....Okay well, it's nice to meet you. I hope you like it here...so, uhh class dismissed" Lorelai awkwardly tried to end the conversation which she seemed to be having with herself.

Luke tries to offer him something to eat but Jess cuts him off by going upstairs. After having a tiny conversation about Jess's conversation skills, or lack there of, Lorelai comes up with what she would call a fabulous idea, and invites the two of them over for dinner at her house.

Just then Rory walks in sitting next to her mother at the counter.

"Ugh I hate her"

"Ugh me too" Sabrina, her twin sister, says following behind her

"Ooo me three" Lorelai adds wanting to be included

"You two don't even know who I'm talking about"

"Solidarity sister" Lorelai says firmly

"Twin code" Sabrina adds jokingly winking at Rory

Rory begins to complain about Paris and the newspaper as Sabrina's mind begins to drift off. Normally she would be paying attention to her sister but she already heard the whole story on her way from picking her up at the bus stop.

Rory is more academically inclined then her sister but doesn't have a artistic bone in her body. Sabrina thinks that before they were born they shared a brain, but when they came out Rory's entire brain became the left hemisphere and her entire brain became the right hemisphere. Sure Rory could bang out ten page essays like no joke, but when it came to making a school project look aesthetically pleasing to the eye, that was all Sabrina. They do have a lot of things in common like their love for reading, coffee, music, and movies. But even those are different. Rory reads to judge and form opinions and Sabrina reads just for the love of reading. Rory takes her coffee plain whereas Sabrina likes to add everything or she'll spit it out. Rory got most of her music taste from her twin because whereas Rory's entire life is school, Sabrina's is music. And as for movies, Rory is a lot more opinionated about them to the point she refuses to watch certain films, but just like books Sabrina can always get some sort of entertainment out of every movie. She likes to live by the motto "there is no such thing as a bad movie" and even if there is making fun of them can be twice as entertaining as a really good movie.

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