Jess' Car

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"Hey, what do you know about this town loner guy?" Lorelai asks Luke

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"Hey, what do you know about this town loner guy?" Lorelai asks Luke

Lorelai, Luke, Sabrina, Rory and Jess were all walking out of the town meeting. Where Taylor brought up the town loner, who put in a request to stage a protest in the town square. Which Taylor was highly against.

"Same as everyone. Just kind of skulks around with that backpack, never smiles." Luke replies

"Does he also make cheeseburgers and secretly harbor a desire to wear a backwards baseball cap?"


"Nothing" Lorelai quickly says, and Sabrina giggles

Jess walks over to a beat-up car across the street, and Sabrina follows.

"Wow look whose back behind the wheel" Sabrina leans over the car window examining the inside of Jess' car

"Yeah, it needs a ton of work but you know it will get me around"

"Oh come on it's not that bad, maybe we just need to grease lightning it a little" Sabrina smiles

"Well come on, you wanna go for a drive?"

"Of course!"

"I promise this time there will be no fractured wrists" Jess opens up the door for her

Sabrina looked across the street and signaled to her mom that she was leaving. Lorelai signaled back an okay but was still extremely worried.

"When did Jess get a car?" Lorelai turns to Luke, Rory had already left to go study.

"Oh, uh. . .recently." Luke awkwardly replies

"Where'd he get it?"

"He got it from a guy around here, at a place."

"A guy at a place?"


"You had no idea he had a car, did you?"

"Not in the least."

"Ah, way to have a handle on things, Luke."

"Well, he doesn't share a lot with me, you know? And he's got a license. What can I do?"

"Stop him before he kills someone."

"He's not gonna kill anyone."

"He's got a bad track record with cars."

"Yeah, I know, okay? I'm not exactly thrilled with this."

"Okay. I'm sorry. It's your thing. I'll just butt out now."

"Where'd he get the money?" Luke wonders out loud


"For the car. Where'd he get it?"

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