After Prom

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"Ugh! My feet!" Sabrina complained

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"Ugh! My feet!" Sabrina complained

"I'm sorry" Jess wrapped his arm around Sabrina's shoulder, trying to support her.

Prom had just ended and the couple were walking across the street towards Luke's.

"Switch shoes with me"

"Trust me, these aren't any comfier"

"Thank god, Luke's is close by, or I might die"

Jess just smiled at her dramatics and held the diner door open for her.

It was a little past midnight so Luke was already fast asleep. Sabrina walked over to the counter and saw a t0-go box with her name on it.

"He knows me so well" Sabrina smiled taking out the food, it was still hot.

"That's Luke for ya" Jess shook his head, opening up his own box

After they ate their food, they were unsure what to do next. They didn't want to go upstairs and wake up Luke but Sabrina couldn't last another second in her heels.

"I guess I better get you home" Jess concluded

"I guess so" Sabrina sadly agreed

"Wait here for a second"

Jess quietly went upstairs and changed into more comfortable clothes. He then carried Sabrina on his back all the way to her house.

"Hiya!" Lorelai greeted as the exhausted teens entered the house

"Mom, help! My feet are going to fall off!" Sabrina flopped down onto the couch.

"How was it? Was it absolutely fabulous?" Lorelai asked sitting besides Sabrina

Jess took a seat in the chair off to the side, after Lorelai motioned for him to sit.

"It was amazing" Sabrina replied

"I'm glad hon" Lorelai replied rubbing Sabrina's back

"I'll tell you more about it in the morning"

"Alright, it's way past my bedtime anyways"

Lorelai got up and went to her room, leaving Jess and Sabrina alone in the living room.

"Carry me up the stairs" Sabrina groaned

Jess immediately got up and took Sabrina in his arms. He carried her up the stairs and into her room, he gently placed her on her bed. She lied lifelessly for a while before getting up. Jess sat down on her bed and Sabrina changed into comfy clothes.

"Come here" Sabrina stuck her arms out for Jess to come and cuddle her

"I had a really good time tonight. Thank you for taking me"

"Of course, I had a really good time too" Jess began to blush a little

"Really? That's surprising but I'm glad you did. Dancing with you was such a dream, it was straight out of a fairytale"

"I love you" Jess mumbled into Sabrina's neck

"I love you" Sabrina replied

The two of them fell asleep tangled together and with a smile on their face. They were both so in love with each other and wanted to feel this way forever. It had felt like they had both found their perfect match, they were meant to be.

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