What is Much ?

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"Hey I'm going over notes from my interview, do you mind going out and getting an extra folder for me" Rory asked her sister

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"Hey I'm going over notes from my interview, do you mind going out and getting an extra folder for me" Rory asked her sister.

"Yeah sure, I was craving a midnight snack anyways"

"It's only 8:00"

Sabrina just rolled her eyes and grabbed the money out of her sisters hand. As she began to walk out her mother walked in, complaining about the lack of good coffee in Stars Hallow.

She had already changed into pajamas, so she just threw on a zip up she stole from her mom and some old sneakers, which none of Gilmore girls knew who the original owner of them was. They referred to them as "the quick trip shoes" they're always left by the front door in case anyways needs to go on a quick trip.

After a poorly received pickup line from the cashier to Sabrina she left the store, folder and candy bar in hand. She was about the unwrap it, when she felt a slight tap on her shoulder.



Sabrina whipped her head around and pointed accusingly.

"Did my mom tell you that, or was it Luke, no I bet it was Rory, although my mother would be the one-"


"Sorry I just hate nicknames, especially that one"

"Okay full name it is"

Sabrina began to smile, then all of a sudden felt really insecure about what she was wearing. Her comfortable tank top suddenly felt dirty and scraggly. Her soft pajama pants suddenly felt wrinkly and uncomfortable. And her socks, he always talks about her socks, her cute ghost socks suddenly felt like they were made of heavy rusty old metal. Then she felt confused, she had never felt insecure about her outfit choices or what others thought about them, especially not boys. She slapped herself in her mind and told herself to snap out of it, she brushed it off as just wanting to make a good impression and nonchalantly zipped up her jacket, then turned her attention back to Jess.

"What are you doing out here?" Jess asked

"Rory needed something for school, and I needed something to eat" Sabrina replied waving her candy bar "What about you?"

"Oh yeah, same thing"

"Uh huh"

Jess started reaching for something in his pocket

"Uhh what are you doing?"

"Oh this? Nothing. Just another little disappearing act" Jess says as he seemingly makes a coin disappear

"Little tip?"


"If you ever want to speak to me again, don't pull that out of my ear"

"So I assume the nose is off limits too?"

"Anywhere you wouldn't naturally find a coin, let's leave it that way"

"So what are you doing now" Jess asks

"Home, can't leave the missus waiting to long" Sabrina jokes in a horrible country accent holding up Rory's folder

"Okay then I'll leave you with this last little trick" Jess says handing her a book

After examining the cover, Sabrina exclaims "You bought a copy? I told you I would lend you mine"

"It is yours"

"You stole my book"

"Nope, just borrowed it"

"Okay, that's not called a trick, that's called a felony, I should call the police" Sabrina grabs the book from his hands and cradles it like a baby while petting its cover.

Jess scoffs at how dramatic she is.

"I just wanted to put some notes in the margins for you"

"What?" Sabrina flips through the books then slowly looks back up at Jess "You've read this before"

"About forty times"

"I thought you said you didn't read much"

"Well what is much? Goodnight Sabrina"

"Goodnight Dodger"


"Figure it out"

"Oliver Twist"

Sabrina smiles and nods, before spinning around and happily walking home.

She wiped the smile off her face before walking inside her house, where she found her mother watching tv. She kicked off the quick trip shoes and leaned over the couch where Lorelai was sitting.

"Rory in her room?"

"Yep, but be careful she's in maniac writing mode" Lorelai said flailing her hands up by her head

"Did you put the muzzle on, I don't want to get the writers bite" Sabrina joked

"No, fortunately this one's not contagious"

"Unlike the readers bite" Sabrina quipped one last time before walking towards her sisters room.

"Here" she threw the folders on the bed and walked out before Rory could say anything to her. She stopped by the fridge and grabbed the phone numbers list that was hanging from a Al's Pancake World magnet.

She tried to quickly get up the stairs, but nothing is as fast as her mothers mouth.

"Hey don't you want to watch this with me, it's almost your favorite part"

"Sorry, I uh have homework"

"I'm sorry did you and Rory switch places, since when do you care about homework over watching tv with your loving mother"

"Uh since I wanted to graduate"

"Fine, as long as you aren't trying to parent trap me"

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