Lorelai's Graduation Pt.2

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"So, uh. . .how's-" Jess started

"Luke?" Sabrina finished


"Okay. He went fishing."


"Yeah. He didn't catch anything though."

"Probably used the wrong bait."

"Yeah, that's a common fishing blunder."

"So he's good?"

"Yeah, he's good. I can tell him hello for you if you want."

Before Jess could reply Sabrina got handed her hot dog.

"Thank you. Oh, my God, this is really good!" Sabrina said taking a bite

"I'm glad you like it. So how much time you got?"

"I got a bit."

"There's a record store you should check out. It's run by this insane freak who's like a walking encyclopedia for every punk and garage-band record ever made. Catalog numbers. . .it's crazy. The place is right out of High Fidelity."

"Ooh Let's go!" Sabrina excitedly clapped her hands together

Sabrina dug through thousands of records, most bands she didn't even recognize, and she considered herself a music expert. The owner was just as cool as Jess described; she asked him millions of questions.

"Oh my god!" Sabrina grabbed Jess' arm and was practically shaking out of her boots


"Look!" Sabrina held out a record for Jess to see

"Go-go's. You must have that one." Jess sarcastically remarked

"No, for my mom. This was her favorite group when she was my age, and it's signed by Belinda. This would be the perfect graduation present. I've been looking for something all week long, and I couldn't find anything and now I have Belinda."


"Oh, from college, from business classes."

"I'm surprised she has time for anything except lighting darts on fire and throwing them at my picture."

"Well, it's not a lot of time, but-"

"Uh-huh. Go on, get it. She'll like it."

"Thank you so much for bringing me here. This was fate." Sabrina pulls instinctively pulled Jess into a hug

"Yes, it was." Jess whispers hesitantly hugging her back

"And in return, I just might show you my withering stare." Sabrina jokes pulling away

"I'm a lucky man."
Sabrina boarded her bus and stared out the window down at Jess. She opened it up when she noticed he was saying something

"Why did you come here?"


"I said, why did you come here?"


"I mean, you ditched school and everything. That's so not you. Why'd you do it?"

"Because you didn't say goodbye."

"Oh. Bye, Sabrina."

"Bye, Jess."
Sabrina made it back just in time to get ready and arrive early for Lorelai's ceremony. She snuck into the check in room to see her mom beforehand and to give her the present.

"Oh Mom, you look so beautiful"

"Do I look ready to make my way in the world?"

"Yes, and if all else fails, you can marry rich."

"I love that we always have that option."

"So uh, I was gonna wait until after the ceremony but I got you a little graduation gift" Sabrina says while reaching into her bag

"Oh hon, you shouldn't have, is it a necklace made of money?"


"Ooh is it made of candy?"

"No look!" Sabrina proudly holds out the record

"Oh my god! You got me Belinda!" Lorelai drops her jaw in amazement

"I got you Belinda!"

"Thank you so much sweetie, I love it, it means so much that you and your sister are here to be able to witness all of this, I couldn't have done it without either of you" Lorelai pulls Sabrina in for a hug

"Speaking of which where is your sister?"

"Uh Rory? I have no idea, didn't she say she'll be here no later than 6?" Sabrina questions while looking at her watch

"Paris is probably keeping her overtime at the paper, I'm sure she'll be here soon"

Sabrina left the check in room only to see her grandmother setting up basically an entire movie production worth of camera equipment. Normally she would be judging her hard, but she felt kinda touched by the gesture. She never got to see Lorelai graduate this moment probably meant a lot to her.

The ceremony had begun and Rory still hadn't shown up. Lorelai got called up and Sookie, Jackson, Emily, Richard, and Sabrina all clapped and cheered proudly for her. Sabrina even noticed both of her grandparents tearing up, which made her tear up even more then she already was.

"So no Rory huh?" Lorelai asked Sabrina after the ceremony

"She called and said she got hung up somewhere, she's okay though just sorry, but she's fine"

"Well as long as she's okay"

"You wanna go out to eat? Celebrate a little?"

"Let's just go find Rory"

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