Luke's Date Pt. 2

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Sabrina and Jess stood in the apartment helping Luke get ready for his big date.

"Okay I think I found the one" Sabrina pulled out a sweater from Luke's closet.

Just then Luke walked out of the bathroom with a freshly shaven face. Sabrina dropped her mouth in shock. It was a completely opposite look from his normally scruffy face.

"What happened to your face?" Jess squints his eyes

"What do you mean?" Luke asks

"It's visible" Sabrina still had her mouth open in shock

"Oh, I shaved" Luke nervously scratched the back of his neck

"You look nice" Sabrina reassuringly smiles

"Go Luke" Jess slightly throws his fist up in encouragement

"Now quickly put on this sweater she'll be here any minute" Sabrina shoves the sweater into Luke's arms and shoves him back into the bathroom

"You really care about this date huh?" Jess looks curiously at Sabrina

"Yeah well it's about time he puts himself out there" Sabrina anxiously looked at the bathroom door

"I agree" Jess sits down and opens up his book

"And it's not just the date I care about, it's Luke. He's done so much for me, too much I would say. I want to do as much I can to repay him back for his years and years of generosity"

"He's a good man" Jess nods

Luke walked out of the bathroom in the outfit Sabrina picked out for him.

"So?" Luke questions

"Ah! Perfect!" Sabrina claps her hands together

Luke looks over at Jess who gives him a slight nod. In return Luke gives him a slight smile.

"Now chop chop, she's gonna be here soon" Sabrina shoves Luke out the door and down the stairs.

Luke nearly trips down the stairs but manages to catch himself just as Nicole walks in the diner.

"Hi." Nicole greets

"Hi" Luke says back

Sabrina stood slightly behind Luke peeking at Nicole, she was smiling so wide it looked like she was gonna explode any minute. Nicole looked confusedly down at the strange girl, and Luke took notice.

"Oh, uh this is Sabrina, sorry she get's easily excited about things" Luke apologizes

"Oh it's okay, nice to meet you. I'm Nicole Leahy."

Sabrina stood up straight and walked out from behind Luke. She then rapidly shook Nicole's hand up and down.

"I'm Sabrina, doesn't he look nice?"

"Oh um, well yes I suppose he does look rather nice" Nicole awkwardly answers

"So um are you ready?" Luke asks

"Yeah, let's go" Nicole replies

"Bye!" Sabrina shouts as they leave the diner

"Sorry about her, she's very um-" Luke begins once they're outside the diner

"No no, it's okay, I didn't know you had a daughter though, I thought it was just your nephew" Nicole looked curiously at Luke

"What? No no she's not my daughter, she's my nephew's girlfriend. Ironically enough I've known her a lot longer than him. She's a great kid though"

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