Prom Pt. 3

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"You ready?" Sabrina asked

Jess nodded. They stood outside of the school, hand in hand. Jess looked at the giant prom banner hanging outside and all the students heading inside. He looked over at Sabrina and smiled. They both blushed.

"You look so handsome" Sabrina complimented

"Thanks" Jess quietly replied

"Well let's go" Sabrina tugged Jess along with her into the school.

They immediately ran into Lane, who finally managed to convince her mom to let her go with Dave. Or whether, Dave convinced her mom by reading the entire Bible in one night.

"Lane you look so beautiful!" Sabrina exclaimed

"Are you kidding me? Look at you, you're stunning" Lane complimented back

"Oh please, I adore your dress" Sabrina said slightly touching one of the sleeves

"You don't have to lie, this was the only Mrs. Kim approved dress in the entire mall"

"It's beautiful" Sabrina sincerely complimented

"Well I guess I'm lucky, she almost made me wear one of the church's Christmas pageant costumes"

"Even if she did, I know you would still rock it" Sabrina giggled

"Yeah thanks, well I catch up with you guys later"

"Yeah see ya, Lane"

"See ya" Jess said as well

Jess and Sabrina continued walking around, Sabrina greeted more people and Jess anxiously stood behind her. They set their stuff down at Lane and Dave's table and sat their for a while, until Lindsay walked up with Dean.

Sabrina noticed the couple walking towards them and grabbed on tighter to Jess. Jess looked up and saw them as well, he also tightened his grip on Sabrina.

"Hey guys!" Lindsay cluelessly greeted

"Hey" Dean quietly said, he still had a slight black eye from the party.

"Hey Lindsay, Dean" Sabrina awkwardly said

"I love your dress" Lindsay complimented Sabrina

"Thanks I like yours too, it's pretty" Sabrina replied

"Aw and Jess is matching, how adorable! Aren't they adorable Dean?" Lindsay said holding onto Dean's arm

"Cute" Dean awkwardly agreed

"Well we'll see you guys later!" Lindsay waved goodbye

"I guess she didn't see what happened at the party" Jess confusedly watched them walk away

Sabrina sat in a frozen state, she was in shock from something she noticed about Lindsay when she waved.

"What's wrong?" Jess panically asked, noticing Sabrina's face

"Did you see that?" Sabrina frantically spat out

"See what?"

"The ring! She had a ring on her finger, an engagement ring! They're getting married!" Sabrina freaked out


"I can't believe this!"

"Me neither, she saw you punch him in the face, surely she isn't that clueless"

"I don't know what to say" Sabrina sat in disbelief

Lane came up to the table and asked Sabrina to dance. Dave sat down by Jess and they talked a bunch. Jess felt like he found a real friend with Dave, which was something he had trouble finding. On the dance floor, Sabrina asked Lane about the engagement between Dean and Lindsay. She confirmed it was true, but didn't know if she should tell either of the Gilmore sisters. Eventually the two got so lost in the music they forgot about it, and just danced the night away.

"Man I love dancing!" Sabrina and Lane headed back to the table

"Gosh, she is so hard to keep up with. Good luck on your wedding day" Lane jokingly patted Jess' shoulder and Jess slightly laughed back

"So what'd you guys talk about?" Sabrina asked while sitting down on Jess' lap, in response he wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face into her shoulder.

"Not much" Dave shrugged

"Lame" Lane joked

The four of them continued talking and joking around. Jess felt more relaxed and comfortable around them, especially since he had Sabrina so close to him. Sabrina felt so much happiness, she was having such a great time and was ecstatic she got to share such a wonderful memory with Jess.

"My favorite song!" Sabrina exclaimed suddenly standing up quickly

"Oh no, no more dancing please" Lane put her hands together and pleaded, she was still super exhausted from earlier

"It's okay, I'll go by myself" Sabrina confidently smiled

"No, I'll go with you" Jess interjected

The widest and brightest smiled appeared on Sabrina's face. She squealed of happiness and yanked Jess up by his hand. She rushed them over to the dance floor.

Unfortunately by the time they got there the song had just ended. Sabrina was slowly looking disappointed but then another song began to play. It was a slower song and Jess immediately took her into his arms.

He wrapped his arms down by her waist and pulled her in closely and began to sway them to the music. Sabrina wrapped her arms around his neck and moved with him.

"Sorry, I'm no Kirk" Jess joked

"You're perfect" Sabrina whispered in response

"Hey Sabrina!" A blonde girl danced by Sabrina and Jess

"Oh hey Shane!"

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