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Sabrina, Jess, Lane, Dave, Zack, and Brian all stood in line in the gym

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Sabrina, Jess, Lane, Dave, Zack, and Brian all stood in line in the gym. They were waiting for the graduation ceremony to start, where they would walk out of the gym and onto the field.

"I see my mom!" Brian said pointing out one of the windows

"No way, I saw her last night" Zack sarcastically remarked

"Dude, not cool"

"There's so many people" Sabrina commented also looking out the window

"You know most of them are here for you" Jess said taking notice of all the townsfolk, who didn't have graduating students, out in the crowd

"Not true, Stars Hallow just severely lacks entertainment"

"Come on, the town loves you, they're proud of you. I'm proud of you"

"I'm proud of you too Jess."

"They're starting!" Lane announced to the group

"Let's go" Jess said taking Sabrina's hand into his, they both shared a smile.

"Sabrina!" Someone shouted from the back of the crowd

The group turned around to see Kirk frantically waving his hand.

"Hi Kirk!" Sabrina waved back

"Sabrina!" Two other voices shouted

Sabrina turned again and saw Babette, Miss Patty, and Morey waving.

"Hi Sabrina!" Reverend Skinner and Rabbi Barans waved

"Hey Sabrina" The town troubadour strummed his guitar and nodded in her direction

"Hey there young missy" Taylor proudly waved at her.

"Congratulations girly!" Gypsy shouted out from the crowd

As Sabrina walked closer to the stage and past the crowd more and more people began shouting out to her. Her eyes began to water, even Mrs. Kim gave her a nod of approval.

"I told you" Jess whispered into her ear

"You've made such an amazing lasting impact on this town and all its people, they're really going to miss you Sabrina." Lane hooked her arm with Sabrina's and squeezed it tight in comfort.

They finally walked by Lorelai, Rory, Luke, Sookie and Jackson. Sabrina took one glance at them and that's when she started to fully sob.

"Good job kiddo" Luke clapped

"Go Sabrina!" Rory shouted

"We love you!" Sookie shouted

Lorelai couldn't get any words out, she was sobbing along side her daughter. They both gave each other a knowing look before Sabrina was lined up on stage waiting to receive her diploma.

"Sabrina Elizabeth Gilmore" The principal announced

"Not crying, right?" Sookie said

"Not crying. Keeping our cool so we don't miss anything." Lorelai said trying to pull herself together

"Tears get in your eyes."

"Then you miss things."

"So we're not crying."

"Not crying."

"Not crying."

"Not crying. Not crying." Jackson joined in

"What?" Luke looked confused at the group

"No crying." Lorelai informed

"I'm not crying." Luke crossed his arms

"Jess Milo Mariano" The principal announced

Everyone looked over to see Luke was now in fact crying.

"Not you too" Lorelai said sniffling

"You're all freaks" Luke said while blubbering

After the ceremony Sabrina and Jess headed over to Luke and Lorelai.

"So how was it?" Sabrina asked

"It made everyone cry, including stone cold Luke." Lorelai replied

"Luke, you old softy" Sabrina said while giving Luke a slight hug

"I will never live this down" Luke said

"Not with me in your life" Jess laughed


"Thanks for coming, Luke" Jess changed his tone more sincere

"I wouldn't miss it for the world" Luke smiled proudly

"Awww" Sabrina and Lorelai said at the same time

"I gotta get back to the diner" Luke hurriedly walked away

"And I gotta get out of this ugly gown, this is so not my shade" Sabrina said while unzipping her gown to reveal a green dress

"Much better!" Sabrina took Jess' hand and pulled him into a kiss

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