A-Tisket A-Tasket

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Sabrina sat in the kitchen intricately decorating baked goods for the Stars Hallow "bid-on-a-basket", normally Kirk bids on her basket but this year he told her he wanted to find a special someone

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Sabrina sat in the kitchen intricately decorating baked goods for the Stars Hallow "bid-on-a-basket", normally Kirk bids on her basket but this year he told her he wanted to find a special someone.

Shes hoping for her own special someone to buy her basket. And by hoping she means she spent the past week begging, bribing and annoying Jess to buy out her basket until he finally agreed.

Rory and Lorelai were off at Doose's buying their baskets just to throw whatever left over crap in their fridge into it. Sabrina knowing Jess was going to buy hers wanted to make hers actually good.
"Is Taylor behind me" Dean asks Rory

"Nope." The two of them share a kiss, until Rory stops upon hearing a noise

"What? Taylor?" Dean turns around seeing the complete opposite of Taylor "Jess."

"Sorry to intrude."

"Then why did you?" Dean snaps

"Well, you're having your vertical From Here to Eternity moment right in front of the super glue."

"Oh." Rory steps aside accidentally staring at Jess a bit too long

"Not that that's not an appropriate place to be doing it in front of but - ."

"Here's your glue." Dean shoves the glue to Jess' chest

"Thanks. As you were." Jess says walking away

"I really hate that guy."

"He didn't do anything." Rory rolls her eyes

"He's here, he's breathing, that's enough." Dean replies not picking up on Rory's mannerism

"I really wish you two could start over."


"Because he lives here and we run into him. He goes to school here. I just think it'd be easier."

"I'm fine with the whole hating him thing, thank you."

"I just think it's a waste of energy."

"You know, I'll have a PowerBar."

"Fine, forget it." Rory says before storming off

"Gee, what's her problem" Kirk says from behind the shelf

Dean runs his hands through his hair in frustration, and watches her leave

"I wish I knew"
Sabrina sat at the kitchen table ferociously writing on a card.

"Ugh nothing is right!" She screams before crumbling up the paper and throwing it into a pile of many other failed cards, suddenly she hears a knock on the door

"Great you brought the glue" Sabrina greet Jess at the door

"Yeah what'd you need it for"

"I can't tell you" Sabrina tries to contain her smile

"Whys that"

"You'll just have to find out when you buy my basket, now shoo, I have a lot of work to do"

"Fine fine, I'll see you later?"

"Of course" Sabrina smiles closing the door

A few minutes later Rory returns home with her basket.

"Oh my god, did a bomb explode in here?" Rory stares at the mess in the kitchen

"Nope this is the result of a stressed out baker hard at work"

"You needed paper for baking? I know I'm not an expert but last time I checked you weren't supposed to eat the recipe" Rory picks up some of the paper wads and places them in the trash

Sabrina just rolls her eyes, but then gets an idea

"Actually can I get some advice?"

"Yeah sure, about what"

"About this paper, about what's on the paper"


"Well you see, I don't know if you can tell but I sorta like someone, well Jess, but I'm sure anyone could've figured that out"

"Oh really?" Rory acts shocked

"We have such a nice thing going on, and I don't know if telling him would ruin it or not, I don't want to lose him but I also want to be honest"

"Well maybe you shouldn't tell him, you know if you're not sure about his feelings and all"

"Well I thought that too, but if I never tell him then it would just drive me insane, I figured there's no harm in telling him, if he feels the same then great and if not, getting rejected will help me move on"

"Um what exactly do you need my advice on"

"Writing, I'm not good at it, you see he's gonna buy my basket tomorrow, I figured a basket full of desserts would help him process all of this, and there's no way I can get the words out so I want to give him a letter"

"Oh he's buying your basket, huh"

"Yeah, who else would" Sabrina awkwardly laughs

"Uh, what happened to your annual Kirk date"

"Change of plans, now can you give me some writing advice, you're so good at it, what's your secret"

"Just write whatever" Rory walks off and slams the door to her room

"Gee, what's her problem" Sabrina stares at her sisters door in shock

AN: my favvv episode 🤭🤭

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