Jess' Last Day

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It was the last day of school at Stars Hallow High and Sabrina and Jess decided to walk the long way to school

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It was the last day of school at Stars Hallow High and Sabrina and Jess decided to walk the long way to school. Their graduation ceremony was the upcoming weekend.

"Do you think we'll miss this place?" Sabrina asked

The two teens looked at each other and bursted out laughing.

"Stupid question" Sabrina laughed

"I mean we do have some pretty great memories here" Jess replied

They walked across the bridge over the lake.

"Yeah, like when Luke pushed you into this very lake" Sabrina joked

"You saw that!?"

"I was standing right there" Sabrina laughed and pointed towards the street near the end of the bridge.

"Oh god" Jess scratched the back of his head

"At the time I suppose I deserved it, I was a bit of a jerk" Jess continued

"Not to me you weren't"

"Well that's because I liked you"

"Ah ha! So you admit you instantly fell in love with me as soon as you saw me" Sabrina accusingly pointed

"Hey I said liked, not loved"

"Blah blah blah, same difference" Sabrina laughed

"It was love" Jess admitted

"It was love for me too" Sabrina agreed
During history class the teacher instructed them to clean out their desks. Jess found loads of notes and drawings from Sabrina shoved in his desk. Sabrina found loads of annotated book pages and makeup in hers.

Jess suddenly started laughing and Sabrina quickly turned around to see what all the commotion was.

"Oh my god" Jess laughed looking down at a paper

"What?" Sabrina looked curiously

"Look" Jess handed her the paper

Sabrina opened it up and instantly started laughing too. It was the mocking drawing Sabrina drew of the teacher on Jess' first day at Stars Hallow High.

"I can't believe that's still here" Sabrina giggled

"Care to share what's so funny?" The teacher started to approach Jess' desk

Sabrina turned around so fast she hit Jess' face with her hair.
At the end of the day when the final bell rang, all the students ran out their classrooms practically breaking down the doors.

Sabrina and Lane stood at their lockers still cleaning out a few things.

"I can't believe it" Sabrina sighed

"I know we're finally outta here" Lane looked around reminiscing

"It's kinda scary"

"I know"

"So uh are you staying in town?"

"Yep, Dave and I are both going to the same community college, a little outside Stars Hallow"

"That's great Lane!" Sabrina gently squeezed Lane's hand

"I know, I'm so excited and our band has that big tour planned out for this summer!"

"I already have tickets to the Connecticut and New York show!"

"Thanks Sabrina, you've always supported all of my dreams" Lane smiled and pulled Sabrina into a hug

"You're going to do amazing things Lane, just don't forget me when you're all big and famous" Sabrina laughed

The girls stayed in a hug both of them getting teary eyed.

Sabrina met up with Jess outside of the school, they walked hand in hand over to Luke's.

"I have some news" Jess said pull out a chair for Sabrina to sit in

"Oo what?" Sabrina curiously asked

"So you know how you're going to that beauty school, the one near Yale?"


"Guess where I'm going" Jess said pulling out a pamphlet from a small college near Sabrina's beauty school

"Oh my god! No way! You're going to college!?" Sabrina excitedly stood up and pulled Jess into a hug

"You're going to college!?" Luke slammed his coffee pot on the counter and rushed over to the teens

"Indeed" Jess replied

"Coffee on the house! My boys going to college!" Luke announced pulling Jess into a hug.

"It's not big deal, it's just for a few writing classes. I'll still be in town most of the time"

"I'm so proud of you" Luke began to wipe his eyes trying to hide his tears

Jess also began to get teary eyed but managed to hide it a lot better then Luke. He hesitantly hugged him back knowing that none of this would have been possible if Luke didn't give him the chance. He turned his life around for the better and will forever be grateful.

"Let's go get a cake!" Sabrina excitedly clapped her hands together

AN: thank you to @Taylorisamastermind
for inspiring this chapter 🫶🫶🫶

And sorry it's been taking a lot longer for me to update then usual I don't want this book to end 😭😭😭 I'm having so much fun writing it thank you all for reading and enjoying it as much as me 🫶🫶🫶🫶

If you have any ideas PLEASEEE let me know I appreciate it greatly 😭😭🙏🙏🙏

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