Summer Pt. 2

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Sabrina and Rory walked through the festival, pointing out the lights, talking about Rory's Washington trip and Sabrina's summer so far. The girls both suddenly stop when they saw a tall figure in the distance.

"What's he doing here?" Sabrina asked annoyed

"Um, I'm not sure...look I'll be right back okay" Rory began to walk off towards the figure

"Wait, are you going to be okay?" Sabrina grabbed her arm to stop her

"I'll be fine, just go find Jess, I'll meet up with you guys later"

"Okay just be careful" Sabrina let go and Rory gave her a slight nod

"Dean" Rory said smiling to the figure

"Rory" Dean returned the smile

Sabrina found Jess sitting on the curb in front of Luke's diner. Sabrina took a seat next to him and they saw Lorelai walk into the building. After talking for a few minutes they decided to walk around the festival some more.

Sabrina was busy hysterically laughing at one of her own jokes, when Jess noticed Rory and Dean standing behind a tree. To his shock they were kissing, but it looked like they were trying to stay hidden. Filled with anger and annoyance Jess grabbed Sabrina's hand to take her somewhere else before she saw what her sister was doing.

"Jess slow down I still have another minute of laughter left in me" Sabrina said trying to keep
up, Jess didn't say anything back so Sabrina came to a full stop, letting go of his hand.

"Jess what's the matter?"

"Nothing, let's just get out of here"

"What is it? Is it too crowded? Are you feeling okay?" Sabrina placed the back of her hand on his forehead.

"I'm fine, I just don't want to be here anymore"

"Okay that's fine, let's go then" Sabrina smiled and took his hand back into hers.

Jess let out a sigh of relief, but then Sabrina stopped again.

"I better tell Rory we're leaving, she said she was gonna meet up with us later"

"Wait no-" Jess tried to grab her again but it was too late, Sabrina turned around and was fully faced with her sister's betrayal.

"Oh my god!" Sabrina put her hand over her mouth in shock

"I'm sorry" Jess said pulling her into his arms

"Why would she-"

"I don't know"

"But he-"

"I know, let's go"

"Oh my god" Sabrina said again as they walked away

Lorelai walked out of the diner slightly smiling to herself she had finally made up with Luke. Maybe things would go back to normal she thought to herself. On her way home she saw Sabrina and Jess heading into the diner, however she didn't notice the troubled state her daughter was in.

When the teens entered the diner, Luke was still at the counter. He noticed Sabrina's eyes staring to fill with tears as she clung onto Jess' side. The two boys gave each other knowing looks, Luke pointed upstairs towards the apartment and Jess just nodded, as he led her upstairs. When they got up there the two of them sat on Jess' bed, they sat in silence for a bit in each other's arms until Sabrina shot up.

"How did this happen? How could she do this to me? After what she did to you? And what he did to me?Like the backstabbing just never ends, I thought we were finally back to normal, but nooo it never was for her. I'm so mad, why why whyyy would she do this?" Sabrina threw her hands up in frustration then slapped them to her forehead, she eventually just flopped down laying lifelessly on Jess' bed

"Hey it's going to be okay" Jess said while rubbing his back, he wasn't quite sure how to comfort her or how to fix this, he really wish he could though

"Should I tell her? Confront her? Should I confront him? Like we don't know the full story, what if they just accidentally fell face first into each other" Sabrina frantically ranted coming up with all kinds of scenarios not wanting to accept the truth

Jess just pulled her closer into his arms, she began to silently cry until eventually falling asleep. Jess slowly pulled away from her. He picked her up and gently placed her under his blankets, he kissed her on the forehead before wrapping his arms around her again.

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