The Gutters Pt.2

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Jess angrily walked down the sidewalk away from Luke, they were looking at potential apartments to move into but couldn't agree on anything

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Jess angrily walked down the sidewalk away from Luke, they were looking at potential apartments to move into but couldn't agree on anything. Jess was annoyed by the whole situation he didn't care about moving he was fine in Luke's apartment, he didn't care about Stars Hallow, nobody asked him to move here, whatever Luke picks he'll be there too. His mind begins to calm down thinking about Sabrina, she's the only good thing about this whack hole town. Before heading over to Lorelei's house to clean the gutters he stopped at a music shop to get a gift for her. 

"I'll get it" Sabrina runs down the stairs to open the door, she already saw it was Jess from outside her window

"Here" Jess tosses Sabrina a CD

"Oh my god! I love The Shaggs"

"I knew you would" Jess smiles

"Come on in"

Sabrina leaves Jess in the living room to go get her mom. A few minutes later Rory appears

"You're very punctual" Rory quips

"Yeah, well, it was either this or continue apartment hunting with Luke" Jess replies, he didn't want to talk to her, or even look at her ever again but Sabrina asked him that if she ever approaches him to be as civil as possible, maybe even friendly

"You're moving?"  Rory asks just then Sabrina comes back

"Yeah apparently Luke flipped out last night and has been dragging him all around town banging on pipes and measuring square footage. It's crazy" Sabrina replies for Jess still a bit on edge about Rory talking to him, this was however the first time Sabrina has said something directly to her.

"Well a new place might be nice. More space, maybe you'll get your own room" Rory says only looking at Jess

"You change your hair?" Jess turns his attention to Sabrina

"A small trim, does it look bad?" Sabrina in a million years never would've guessed he would notice such a small detail

"No not at all" Jess smiles and touches her hair

"I'm going to try and find my mom again, you want to help Rory?"

Rory doesn't say anything and just stands there awkwardly, eventually Sabrina leaves

"Are you dating Sabrina?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Yes, I would actually"

"Didn't I tell you to stay out of our business?"


"I can't believe Sabrina still cares about trying to make up with you, you're so lucky she doesn't completely hate you"

"Here she is, the woman of the evening" Sabrina over the top announces her mother giving her a grand entrance, Lorelai dramatically spins into the room

"Hiya Jess, sorry you had to witness all that" Lorelai awkwardly greets "so uh can I get you something to drink?"

"No thanks"

"Well, uh, what's new?"

"Not much"

"Okay, well, I guess you should get started. Um, there's a ladder right out front and some buckets and gloves and stuff on the porch. You need anything else, just walk against the wind. Uh, Sabrina why don't you show him?"

"Alrighty, come on" Sabrina grabs his arm and leads him outside

Once they leave Rory turns to her mother and groans.

"Do you know what's going on between them?" Rory asks

"Why?" Lorelai replies

"I don't know, but it's driving me crazy not knowing"

"Well honey, you know your sister isn't the most open about her personal life, but from what she's told me they're not exactly dating but not exactly not dating"


"I don't know" Lorelai throws her hands up "look they kissed once, but haven't really talked about it ever since, they're probably still figuring things out, you know I'm surprised she hasn't told you all this already, don't you guys tell each other everything?"

"I guess not this"

"Well I would think you would be able to understand all this more then me, maybe she's a bit embarrassed"

"Yeah maybe"
Rory decided to head to the library for the Buy a Book Fundraiser. As she was looking through the books she noticed Dean sitting on the library steps.


"Hey uh Rory" Dean stood up in front of her, they stared at each other for a while

"I'm sorry" they both said at the same time

"Why are you sorry?" Rory questions

"For not at least talking about it, just completely ignoring you wasn't very cool"

"No no I completely deserved it, I don't even deserve to have you talking to me right now, what I did was completely unforgivable"

"Well I forgive you"

"You what?"

"I forgive you Rory"

"You can't, I didn't even get to explain things or anything"

"I don't want to talk about that, I just want to go back to the way things were, I love you Rory"

"I love you too Dean, and I'm so sorry I don't know why or what came over me, I'm awful"

"It's okay" Dean pulls Rory into a hug, she bursts out into tears hugging him back

"So uh you wanna check out the astronomy section, then go see lord of the rings?"

"I would love nothing more" Rory wipes away her tears

"And on the way home we'll rent Autumn in New York and mock it for the rest of the afternoon"

"With full-on impressions?"

"With full-on impressions."

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