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During the reception after the wedding Rory had mysteriously disappeared just like she did at Lorelai's graduation, which she still hasn't explained to either one of them

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During the reception after the wedding Rory had mysteriously disappeared just like she did at Lorelai's graduation, which she still hasn't explained to either one of them. Since it was a larger crowd, and most of them were drunk adults, her disappearance went more unnoticed. When she came back she announced to her sister and mom that she would be going to Washington for six weeks with Paris for a junior leadership program during the summer.

As for Sabrina she spent her summer with Jess, they spent almost every moment together, they practically lived with each other. They stayed out until late and would fall asleep together in the most random places, the park, the gazebo, Ms. Patty's dance studio, Luke's apartment, Sabrina's room, the bridge, a bench, wherever they ended up, as long as they were together. Then they would go home for a bit in the morning and do it all over again.
Sabrina and Jess walked out of the diner across the street towards the gazebo. Taylor was in an electric wheelchair giving out orders to people, Sabrina decided to walk over to him dragging Jess along.

"Hey Taylor, how's the leg?"

"It's just fine."

"Still haven't found out who put that banana peel on your doorstep, huh?"

"No, but I have a list of suspects." Taylor says looking suspiciously up at Jess

"Hey, um, what's all this for?" Sabrina gestures her hands towards the lights and streamers people were setting up.

"This, young lady, is for the first annual Stars Hollow End of Summer Madness Festival."

"You finally found a way to fill September, didn't ya?" Sabrina impressively nods

"This is gonna be a very exciting day. I'm really gonna go all out for this. I even think you'll be impressed."

"Really, even me?"

"Yes-sir-ee, mini-me, I did not put the word madness in the title for nothing. This place is gonna be crazy, wild food, games, we've even got a band coming all the way from New York!"

"New York that's just nuts!"

"And wait til you see the banner I ordered. It's gonna make every other banner we've ever had look downright embarrassing."

"Taylor, you're on fire!"

"Oh, I love this banner!"

"I can't wait to see it!"
Jess sat on the edge of Sabrina's bed watching her as she got ready for the festival.

"Okay what about this one?" Sabrina asked twirling around in a dress


"Okay and this one?" Sabrina holds up another dress


"Ugh, you can't keep saying that to everything" Sabrina turns back to her closet and starts throwing clothes everywhere

"Okay I think I finally have it, one second" Sabrina turns around revealing her outfit. Embroidered overalls with a simple white tube top underneath

"What do you think?" Sabrina smooths down the overalls with her hands

"Gorgeous" Jess smiles

Sabrina just playfully hits his arm and they get up to go to the festival.

Shortly after they left Rory and Lorelai returned from the airport, where Lorelai was picking her up after her Washington trip. Rory picked out a fancy dress for the festival and Lorelai found it odd but didn't push any further questions why her daughter wanted to look extra nice for a town festival.

Rory and Lorelai walked through the festival greeting and chatting with the townsfolk. Lorelai was messing around with Taylor, when Rory noticed Sabrina and Jess leaned up against a tree kissing. Rory suddenly felt sick in her stomach. Lorelai noticed what she was looking and an excitedly squeezed her arm.

"Look who finally got together" Lorelai smiled but slowly dropped it when she noticed her daughter's facial expression.

"You're upset" Lorelai stated

"No, I'm not upset."

"Yes, you are upset. I know when you're upset cause you look like my mother."

"Thanks a lot."

"You like my mother."

"Yes, but you don't like your mother, so when you tell me that I look like your mother, it's not exactly a compliment."

"Honey, what is wrong?"

"Nothing" Rory rolls her eyes and began to walk towards Sabrina and Jess

"Sabrina!" Rory over enthusiastically shouts out

Sabrina breaks away from Jess, looking through the crowd.

"Rory!" Sabrina runs over to her sister, Jess shortly following behind "oh my god you're back!"

"Yep I am. Hey Jess" Rory slight waves, Jess ignores her and moves more behind Sabrina

"Sooo how was Washington? I mean you've told me a bunch over the phone but now I need to hear it in person, oh my god! I almost forgot, how did Paris' date go? I need detail asap! Oh wait- I can just call her, speaking of which how were the men over there? did you meet any special Washington men? Did you-" Sabrina begins to ramble before Rory cuts her off

"Relax Sabrina, we'll have plenty of time to discuss all of that later, let's go enjoy the festival"

"You're right sorry" Sabrina scratches the back of her head, then turns to Jess

"Do you mind if I go off with Rory for a bit?"

"Of course not, go enjoy yourself" Jess smiles

"Thanks Jess, I'll see you later I love you" Sabrina pulls him in for a quick kiss and hugs him

"I love you Sabrina" Jess hugs her back

Rory rolls her eyes at the two of them.

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