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Jess and Sabrina were at the bridge of the lake, Jess sat up with his legs dangling off the edge while Sabrina layed back also dangling her legs off the edge and her hands resting on her stomach

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Jess and Sabrina were at the bridge of the lake, Jess sat up with his legs dangling off the edge while Sabrina layed back also dangling her legs off the edge and her hands resting on her stomach. 

Jess scratched the back of his head mentally debating whether she should bring up what Rory told him or not. After all it's none of his business and if she wanted him to know she would've told him. It could be a tough subject for her, he doesn't want to ruin anything between them. However he let curiosity get the better of him

"So uh, you know how I accidentally got in your sisters sleigh last night"

Sabrina squinted her eyes opened and glanced over at Jess


"Well uh we got to talking and she told me something" Jess dropped his head down staring at his lap

"Oh no, don't tell me she told you about the second grade play, in my defense I gave them a warning what would happen if they didn't let me play tinkerbell" Sabrina laughs and sits up to meet Jess' eyes, he quickly looks away and slightly scoffs

"No it's not that, although now I am very intrigued on what evil you were capable of in second grade" Jess and Sabrina share a quick laugh

"What is it then?"

"Well you know about the fight, at school"


"Did you see the guy I was fighting, before Dean?"

"Oh sure, Chuck Presby, he's a jerk"

"Yeah he is a jerk"

"So what about him?"

"What do you mean?" Jess says confused

"What about Chuck Presby"

"He's your ex boyfriend, right?"

Just then Sabrina burst out laughing, falling over on her side grabbing her stomach for support

"In his dreams" Sabrina wipes away tears

"He's not?"

"No Jess, I've already told you I wouldn't date any of these pea-brain Stars Hallow idiots even if they were the last people on earth, especially not Chuck Presby that's just ridiculous"

Jess starts to laugh too, he knows Sabrina better then this, of course she wouldn't go out with a jerk like Chuck, yet he was still confused on why Rory told him she did.

Sabrina thinking the same thing "Wait, Rory told you I did?"

"Yeah I have no clue why if it's not true"

"Well you believe me right, I would end it all if people started thinking I dated Chuck" Sabrina looked horrified

"Of course I do" Jess smiles and puts an arm around her bringing her closer to him


AN: tbh making outfits is my favorite part about writing this story 🌝🌝
Most of them are irrelevant to the storyline and you can imagine she's wearing whatever you want I just think it's fun sorry if it gets too much 😭😭🙏

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