Dean's New Girlfriend Pt.2

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Jess and Sabrina spotted Lane in the stands for the hockey game. Sabrina suggested they go sit by her.

"Hey" Sabrina said

"Hey. Nice coat" Lane replied looking Sabrina's coat up and down

"Thank you" Sabrina said then stuck her tongue out at Jess

"It's cold in here" Jess said

"It's the ice" Lane pointed out

"I bet someone wished they brought a nice fluffy coat" Sabrina mocked

"I think I'd rather freeze" Jess held his arms for warmth

Sabrina felt bad and wrapped her furry coat arms around him. Then Rory appeared and joined them.

"What are you doing here?" Lane asked

"I'm hockeying" Rory said sitting down next to Lane

"That's not a word" Sabrina remarked

"Where is everybody?" Rory said noticing the fairly empty seats

"There was a monster truck show in Woodbury tonight, pulls a lot of the same demographic." Lane nodded

"We should've went there" Jess whispered to Sabrina

"No way, you're into monster truck shows?" Sabrina asked in shock

"No but I know it's a lot warmer over there"

"People of Stars Hollow, are you ready to rumble?" Kirk announced

The referee dropped the puck to start the game.

"And the puck is down as the first quarter begins. Period, sorry. First period begins, my bad." Kirk continues announcing

"So, this is sports." Sabrina impressively nods

Later on in the game, Rory, Lane, and Sabrina went to the snack line. Jess had fallen alseep on the bleachers, Sabrina left a note on his forehead in case he woke up before they returned. She also left her fur coat around him like a blanket so he wouldn't freeze to death.

Lindsay accidentally bumped into Rory as they waited in line.

"Oh." Lindsay flinched

"Oh hey, Lindsay right? how are you?" Rory said

"Hi Lindsay." Sabrina and Lane both greeted her.

"Hi. I'm good, thanks. Um, how are you?" Lindsay awkwardly said

"Good. You know, just enjoying my first hockey game. It seems there's a lot of bashing of people into walls, which is always good fun in my book." Rory replied

"Oh, absolutely. I'm all for more bashing."

"You know, I don't think we've seen each other since I left Stars Hollow High. What have you been up to?"

"Oh, you know, nothing really. The usual, school."

"Right, sure."

"Well, I should be getting back. Um, it was good seeing you again." Lindsay said turning to walk away

"You, too." Rory waved

"Bye." Sabrina said

"Please don't tell her" Lindsay quickly whispered to Sabrina before she sped away

"Okay, so that was really weird, right?" Rory said

"Oh, yeah, really weird." Lane looked confused

"But I didn't do anything, did I?"

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