Bracebridge dinner pt.2

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"Deano." Lane greets Dean and Sabrina giggles at the nickname

School had just ended so the girls were headed over to the Gilmores residence.

"Hey Lane, Sabrina, are you going to this big shindig at the inn tonight?

"Yeah, I'm just trying to trick my mom into not going with me."

"How's that coming along?"

"How's that Pixies reunion coming along?"

"Well, I'll see you and your mom there."



Before Dean fully heads off the three of them spot Jess and another boy in the middle of a fight outside the school. He pulls both girls behind him before entering the tussle. He tries to pull Jess away but as a result Jess starts swinging at him.

"Whoa, hey, get off me man, I'm not fighting you! Jess, knock it off man! What the hell is your problem?"

"Nothing" Jess glances over at Sabrina, he had no idea she was watching, he quickly turns back to Dean

"You saw it was me, Jess. Why'd you keep punching?"

"Had momentum."

"Well I was trying to help you."

"I don't need you help, but thanks for offering."

Sabrina and Jess stare at each other for a while, both unsure what to do. Dean grabs her arm and pulls her away, followed by Lane. Once all three of them are out of site Jess angrily kicks a pile of snow.

The night of the Bracebridge dinner, Rory greets the guests and Sabrina shows them their room. From a frantic Paris to a demanding Mrs. Kim. Dean and his sister come in, shortly followed by Jess and Luke.

"I didn't know he was coming."

"Who?" Rory questions


"Yeah. Is that a problem?"

"Not really. It's just that, he got into this fight with this guy at school, and when I broke it up he started in on me."

"He hit you?" Rory asks concerned

"He tried."

"Why would he do that?"

"Don't ask me to explain that jerk."

They both look over and make eye contact with Jess, who in return sarcastically waves.

"He better not do that all night."

Just then another pair of eyes makes eye contact with Jess. Sabrina comes down the stairs from showing Babette and Morey their room, she rushes down over to Jess, who immediately softens his demeanor in front of her. Rory and Dean watch in annoyance.

"Jess, hi"  Sabrina nervously twist the ends of her hair

"Hi Sabrina" Jess nervously runs his fingers through his

They haven't seen or talked to each other since the fight, and were both extremely nervous that they ruined their friendship

"I'm glad you came"

"Me too" Jess stared down at her hands he desperately wanted to clasp them in his own, or just touch her in some way

"Here let me show you to your room" Sabrina offered, Jess expected her to grab his arm and drag him away like usual but she didn't, she was still on edge for more reasons than one.

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