The Swan Pt. 3

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Sabrina lied on her back on Jess' bed flipping through a magazine

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Sabrina lied on her back on Jess' bed flipping through a magazine. Jess sat upright next to her with his nose shoved in a book. Sabrina quickly closed the magazine and looked over at Jess.

"What?" Jess looked down at her

"Nothing, nothing" Sabrina turned her glance away from Jess

"I'm not going to tell you" Jess said

"I know, it's fine if you don't want to talk about it then you don't have to. I respect your decision." Sabrina opened up her magazine again

"Thank you." Jess turned back to his book

"Come on where'd you get it?" Sabrina flipped over onto her stomach and looked up at Jess

"Santa Claus" Jess replied never looking away from his book

"Fine, fine" Sabrina turned away and went back to her magazine

"You wouldn't believe it anyways."

"Try me."

"A swan."

"Excuse me!?" Sabrina turned back facing Jess with her mouth open in disbelief.

"I was attacked by a swan. Happy? A stupid swan did this." Jess gestured towards his black eye

"How were you attacked by a swan?" Sabrina was still in disbelief

"It hangs out by Larson's Dock. I was just walking by and the thing came out of nowhere and bam! beaked me right in the eye."

"It beaked you?" Sabrina giggled a little

"You still don't believe me."

"No I believe you, I just never heard anyone use the word beaked as a verb before."

"No, no, this isn't funny. That stupid bird attacked me. He could've blinded me. It's a vicious, vicious bird."

"Alright come on" Sabrina got up from the bed


"Follow me"

Sabrina went downstairs into the diner and grabbed a ladle from the cabinet underneath the counter. She then headed towards the door.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?" Jess asked following her

"I want to see this swan, maybe give him a piece of my mind"

"Why do you need that ladle?"

"Are you kidding? Look what it did to you, imagine what it could do to a delicate flower like me. I need all the protection I can get"

"You think a ladle will protect you?"

"You can't make fun of me, you're the one that got beaked"

"Well then I'm going to grab the baster, maybe do a little beaking of my own"

The two headed out to the lake and rowed a boat out into the water.

"I don't see a swan." Sabrina whispered

"Put your oars down." Jess whispered back and
looked around

"They don't like oars?" Sabrina confusedly looked at her oars

"Just lay low, it'll come."

"Do you think-"

"Shh!" Jess pointed over to a swan in the distance

"Is that the one?"

"That's it." Jess nodded

"It's pretty" Sabrina watched

"Shh!" Jess said as the swan swam closer to them

The swan swam up to their boat, it circled around them once before swimming away.

"Aw he was cute" Sabrina waved to the swan as it left

"He's vicious, I'm telling you." Jess narrowed his eyes at the swan

"Yeah, his butt is terrifying" Sabrina sarcastically remarked


Jess and Sabrina froze and started looking around when they realized the boat was starting to shake.

"What's happening?" Sabrina nervously asked.

She moved closer to Jess and grabbed onto his arm for support. Suddenly the boat tipped over and the two fell into the lake. Sabrina screamed and Jess quickly grabbed her waist as they fell into the water. Jess swam the two of them out of the water, both of them were barely able to catch their breath.

Sabrina broke away from Jess' hold, but still kept an arm around him as she treaded in the water. The two looked over at the boat, it was still flipped over.

And standing right on top of it, was a swan.

"I told you evil evil bird" Jess angrily swan over and flipped the boat right side up causing the swan to hurriedly fly away.

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