Car Crash Pt. 2

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"Hey teach" Jess says coming down the stairs over to Sabrina's table

"Hey Jess, you ready?"

"As I'll ever be, hey, are we gonna do some of those Schoolhouse Rocks songs?" Jess jokes and Sabrina just rolls her eyes

"Where are your books?"

"Huh, I don't know."

"How are we gonna study without your books?"

"I guess we can't. Too bad. So, what now, movie?"

"Get your books."

"The cat ate them."

"Get your books or I'm going home."

"Alright fine" Jess sighs and Sabrina gives a satisfied smile to herself

Even though Sabrina agreed to help Jess study, she's not the biggest fan of studying herself. So in all her hypocrisy she ended up falling asleep on top of Jess' books and papers. Jess just watched her sleep as he played with a deck of cards.

She slowly raised her head off the table yawning and stretching out her arms. She rubs her eyes and adjusted the red clips in her hair, eventually realizing where she was and who she was with.

"Well good morning sunshine" Jess laughed

"Ahem, so you see, that's a studying techniques that allows you to absorb the information in your sleep" Sabrina begins to gather the papers looking down at the table in embarrassment.

"Do you wanna get out of here?"

"oh god, yes" Sabrina looks outside one of the windows, she had been secretly bored this entire time but genuinely wanted to help out Jess.

"That's your car?" Jess asks and Sabrina nods

"Let's go get some ice cream, and then when we get back we'll continue studying, or in your case sleeping"
Sabrina allowed Jess to drive her car because she wanted to focus completely on her ice cream. They joked around, sung along to the radio, and eventually Sabrina demanded to switch ice creams with Jess because she was convinced his was better.

"Hey Sabrina" Jess slightly glances at her before returning his eyes to the road

"Yes Jess?"

Jess nervously coughs "Well, um you know I've been thinking about us a lot"

"Really, me too"

"Really, good, so um what do you think"

"You first, you brought it up" Sabrina starts to turn red

"Well um, ever since I've met you, I've been fascinated by you. Your energy and presence is so intriguing it's hard not to get pulled in. And I can never stop thinking about you, or worrying about you, or caring about you. I care about you Sabrina a whole lot, it kills me when anything bad happens to you, even if it's the tiniest inconvenience, I just want you to always have the perfect day. That one kiss we had drove me crazy, I've wanted to kiss you everyday after that, I feel so lucky that you came into my life and I can't let you go. And well uh I don't know what I'm saying, well yeah I do. What I'm saying is I wanna be yours"

"Stop the car" Sabrina said and Jess did just that, he stopped the car in the middle of the road. Sabrina looked over at him, she leaned in and kissed him. Jess gently grabbed the sides of her face deepening the kiss.

"I wanna be yours" Sabrina looks into Jess' eyes pulling away from the kiss.

All of a sudden a car comes speeding down the wrong side of the road swerving like a mad man headed straight for Sabrina's car. Jess steps on the gas pedal but the car wouldn't start. The teens notice that somehow the key got knocked out and they desperately look around for it.

Jess found the key and stuck it back in, unfortunately they underestimated how far away the car was. Sabrina squeezed her eyes shut bracing for impact. Jess still tried to drive off but it was too late. Sabrina's car spun out and Jess just reached out for her pulling her in trying to protect her.

They both got hit against the dashboard Jess hitting his face and Sabrina hitting her arms. After the collision the other car just drove away. Sabrina's head was wrapped in Jess' arms and they slowly pulled away breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" Jess desperately asked

"Forget me, Jess you're bleeding, your head" Sabrina reached out and rubbed the marks on his face

"I'm fine, what about you, are you okay?"

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