Thanksgiving Pt. 2

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"Hello." Emily opens the door and greets the girls

"Hi Grandma. Happy Thanksgiving." Rory smiles

"Thank you, Rory. Happy Thanksgiving, Lorelai." Emily nods towards Lorelai

"Happy Thanksgiving." Lorelai fake smiles

"Oh and Sabrina, how lovely of you to join us, I feel like we rarely see you. You know sometimes I forget Rory has a sister only because of how often she visits us" Emily chuckles

"Yeah well-" Sabrina starts but is quickly interrupted by Emily

"I suppose it's not entirely your fault, I mean Rory's school is close by after all, perhaps you should've attended Chilton as well"

"Mom, she's perfectly happy at her school, Rory and Sabrina don't need to do everything together" Lorelai defends

"I'm not saying that, I'm just saying what will people say, with one twin attending a prestigious private school and the other attending well you know" Emily makes a disgusted face thinking about Stars Halloween high.

"No mom, I don't know what will they say?" Lorelai passive aggressively smiles

"Well maybe, and I'm not saying I think this, but maybe one twin is smarter then the other, that's all"

"Great I'm the dumb one" Sabrina rolls her eyes and walks by her grandmother to join the rest of the party.

The rest of the girls follow behind and they all greet Richard. He introduces them to their other guests, and they chat for a bit until dinner is finally ready to be served.

Everyone sat at the table talking about Rory's schooling, accomplishments, how smart she is, her college applications and everything else about her. Sabrina zones out again practically falling asleep, until she hears the dreaded question.

"And what about you dear?" One of the guest asks

"Uh what about me?" Sabrina asks startled

"Well I assume you go to Chilton with your sister, are you applying to the same colleges as well?"

"Well um not exactly" Sabrina awkwardly scratches the back of her neck.

"I have a friend, her daughters are twins, about your age, and they cannot stand to be separated from each other. They do everything together, even dress the same, it's adorable!" One of the guest adds in

Sabrina just stares and nods before turning to her mother in horror.

"Sabrina attends her local public high school" Emily intrudes the conversation

"It's a great school" Lorelai chimes in

"It's no Chilton" Emily mumbles

"Well what about colleges?" Another guest asks

"Oh you know, I haven't really thought about that yet" Sabrina nervously plays with her hair

"Well do you know what you plan to do?" Someone asks

"Well um I like art, so maybe something with that"

"You're kidding right? That's not a dependable career, you'll barely make a living"

"Oh please, with a face like that she'll marry rich in no time, she can be free to do whatever she pleases"

"Oh that is true, Emily does have the best connections"

"Ooo what about the Parson's son, he's a looker"

"Or how about the Sherman boy, he's a bit on the older side, but such a gentleman"

"Oh please you all are too much" Emily laughs

Sabrina tries her best to tune out the rest of the weird comments her grandparent's guests make about her. Lorelai squeezes her hand under the table, not only to reassure and comfort Sabrina, but to keep her from blowing up at her parents, in front of all their guests.

Sabrina tunes back into the conversation and hears her grandmother still complaining about her not attending Chilton, that's when Lorelai can't contain her anger anymore.

"Why do you care so much about whether she attends Chilton or not? Her school is a great school and is going to get her into any college she wants and if she doesn't want attend any college then womp womp."  Lorelai starts

"That right there is exactly the problem, what kind of mother just accepts her child not going to college. That's absolute nonsense." Emily responds

"It's none of your business"

"It most certainly is my business, excuse me for caring about both of my grandchildren's education"

"But that's the thing, Mom, you don't care. You just want to control it. You're upset you're not paying for her education too, that she's not in debt to you like the rest of us"

"That is such nonsense Lorelai"

"Is it? Because all you do is talk down to Sabrina, you barely acknowledge her existence, her personality, her likes and dislikes. If you really cared you would support her and her dreams, just like you support Rory's."

"I do too support her"

"No you don't" Sabrina says standing up and leaving the table.

Rory goes after her, Lorelai and Emily continue to fight, and the guest all watch not knowing what to do.

Sabrina rushed into the bathroom, locking the door before Rory could get inside. Rory stood on the outside listening in. Sabrina gripped the sides of the sink and began to tear up. The more she thought about all the comments they made about her, compared to the ones they made about her sister, the  more she felt suffocated. She felt like she couldn't breathe and her heart was beating like a drum, like it was ready to pop open at any minute. Her hands started trembling and she felt dizzy, she grabbed her chest in pain, and slowly brought herself to the floor.

Rory knocked on the door calling out her name, but Sabrina just sat there slowly breathing in and out. Eventually Rory rejoined the group. Lorelai was waiting by the door ready to leave, but went over to the bathroom to help Sabrina, once Rory told her what she heard.

Lorelai got her out of the bathroom and into the car. They drove in silence, Rory sat up in the front and Sabrina lied down in the back eventually falling asleep.

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