Sookie's Wedding

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"How are your pancakes?" Sabrina asked Rory, they sat in Luke's watching their mother pace back and forth outside of the window because Luke and Lorelai still hadn't made up from their fight yet

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"How are your pancakes?" Sabrina asked Rory, they sat in Luke's watching their mother pace back and forth outside of the window because Luke and Lorelai still hadn't made up from their fight yet.

"Good." Rory replied

"Good or really good?"


"So, not really good?"

"Fine, really good."

"Okay. But are they great?"

"Sabrina, uh, would you perhaps like to trade breakfasts?"

"You mean, your pancakes for my eggs?"


"Um, okay." Sabrina smiles while switching their plates "Wow, you're crazy, these pancakes are great."

"That's twelve." Rory stated as the two girls turned their heads to see their mother still pacing back and forth

"Mm, two more and she'll come in."

"I don't know. She's been walking back and forth out there for twenty minutes and she still hasn't made it to the door."

"Yeah, but look how much closer to the building she's gotten."

"Why don't we just bring her something out?"

"No. She and Luke have been in this fight for too long, she's gotta do this."

"You're cruel."

Just then Lorelai finally walks in and stands proudly in the doorway.

"Okay, I did it, I'm in."

Unfortunately for Lorelai both of their daughters had gotten up to go to school leaving her alone to deal with Luke. She tried to break the ice with him with her smart remarks and quick quips but nothing could break his icy exterior. He stayed polite and cordial but it wasn't the same, Lorelai wanted Luke back, the way it used to be.
Lorelai got Sabrina from school early to get her cast removed. Sabrina couldn't wait to get her arm back, she wasn't able to work on any of her art pieces while recovering and missed it more then anything.

"So, how do you feel?" Lorelai asked as Sabrina sat on the examining table


"Not at all sad?"

"About getting my arm back? No."

"Really? Cause I've kind of gotten used to Casty over here. I mean, we decorated him, we talked to him, we protected him from getting wet in the shower."

"Okay, it's time to wean you off of getting attached to inanimate objects."

"Casty, no one understands you like I do. What? No, I did not know Mr. Band-Aid said that to you. Ugh, I will talk to him when we get home." Lorelai faked conversed with Sabrina's cast just as the Doctor walked in.
Later in the week was Sookie's rehearsal dinner for her wedding. Sabrina and Rory's dad ending up coming along because he got invited by Lorelai when he showed up to the hospital as Sabrina was getting her cast off. Lorelai later invited him to the actual wedding and found out things weren't going so well with his current girlfriend, Sherry.
The day of Sookie's wedding, Luke went up to his apartment, after making Kirk a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and found Jess sitting at his kitchen table.

"Hey." Luke says


"How'd you get in here?"

"The door was open."

"No, I mean, I was in the diner. I would've seen you come up the stairs. . . you know what, forget it, I don't wanna know. So, how's everything back home?"


"Your mom?"


"You in trouble?"


"Then what the hell you doing here, Jess? You know, I, uh, I called you six times. Now I didn't expect you to call me back so we could sit on the phone in bed and watch Sleepless in Seattle together. I just expected you to call me back, say you got home, say no one mugged me on the bus, say you were okay. Say. . .you know what, never mind. Just tell me what it is you want. I got work to do."

"I wanna come back."

"You what?"

"I want to come back."

"Come back here?"


"Here to Stars Hollow?"


"To live in this apartment with me?"

"I said yes a million times already."

"You know what, you're the one asking for something so you don't get to be James Dean this time, okay? Now, one more time, you wanna come back?"



"I just, I. . . I just wanna come back."

"You know what people told me when I said you were coming here to live with me? They told me I was crazy, they told me I was insane, they told me to start writing letters to Jodie Foster  but I ignored them. I was so sure that I knew what I was doing and then you showed up and you know what happened? You proved them right. I was crazy, and now after all that has happened, after all the chaos and havoc that you have wreaked, you're seriously standing there wearing a T-shirt with a picture of a butt with hands that are flipping me off, telling me you wanna come back?"

"You didn't pack up my stuff yet."

"Uh, no, I've been a little busy."

"When were you planning on sending it back to me?"

"What, hey, am I wearing a little brown uniform with UPS stamped on it?"

"So, what do you think?"

"Things are gonna have to be different, Jess."

"I know."



"So you're staying?"

"I'm staying."

"Okay, then. Stay. I gotta get back to the diner."

"I'll help you close up later, all right?"
AN: sorry for all the time cuts I was trying to skip ahead to the Jess parts while still keeping in as much context as possible so the storyline still makes sense 🌝

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