Winter Carnival Pt. 2

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"it's pretty out tonight, isn't it?" Sabrina looked around admiring her surroundings.

"Sure is." Jess agreed

"Like a snow globe." Sabrina swung their hands back and forth as they walked towards the carnival.


"Sparkly. I mean, I don't think a night comes any prettier than this one. And-"

"Sabrina!" A small voice called out from behind

Sabrina and Jess turned around to see Clara, Dean's little sister, running up to them.

"Clara, hi!" Sabrina greeted the girl

"I haven't seen you in forever." Clara hugged Sabrina

"Longer than forever."

"Sorry, She got away from me." Dean ran up to them and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"Buy a stronger leash." Jess sarcastically commented and pulled Sabrina closer to him

"Who are you?" Clara looked up at Jess

"No one."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"That's Jess. Jess, this is Clara." Sabrina intervened

"Are you guys going to the carnival?" Clara asked

"Yes we are"

"Great, you can come with me and Dean, right?"

"Clara, I don't think that's such a good idea" Dean chimed in

"Why not?" Clara looked between all three of the teens

"I'm sorry Clara, but um...Jess is having an emergency right now so we can't, but I'm sure we'll see you around" Sabrina struggled to come up with an excuse

She didn't want to disappoint the girl, but spending any amount of time with Dean made her sick to her stomach.

"Oh I see, is it number one or number two?" Clara innocently looked towards Jess

"What!?" Jess looked down disgustingly at her

Sabrina apologetically shrugged at Jess. Then the two groups went their separate ways.

"Did you hear that, she said I was gonna be rich and famous" Sabrina proudly beamed leaving the fortune telling booth.

"You better thank me in all your award acceptance speeches" Jess joked

"Well of course I couldn't have done it without you, that is unless I forget you and this entire town when I'm making it big and partying with Hollywood's most powerful men" Sabrina dramatically posed

Jess just laughed but suddenly felt a tiny poke on his back. He turned around to be met with Clara again.

"Is Jess your real name?"


"Do you like it?"

"It's fine."

"Would you rather be named Bill?"









"Does this belong to you?" Jess turned to Dean, as he caught up to Clara

"Clara, you want a snow-cone?" Dean asked

"Yes. Will you go get me a snow-cone?" Clara turned back to Jess

"Absolutely. Go stand in the middle of the street and wait for me, I'll be right back." Jess sarcastically replied

"Let's go get your snowcone." Dean grabbed Clara's hand and walked away

"I think someone has a little crush on you" Sabrina teasingly poked Jess

"Oh who, Dean?" Jess rolled his eyes

"Come on, it's kinda funny"

"Hey by the way, are you okay with all of this?" Jess asked concerned

"With all of what?"

"You know, running into Dean this much"

"Oh, yeah it's okay, I mean I would prefer not to but at least his sister is adding humor to this whole situation"

"So you're okay?"

"Yep, as long as he doesn't try anything"

"Okay good" Jess pulls her into a hug

"Oh my god!" Sabrina pulled away in a panic

"What? What's wrong?" Jess grabbed her arms and looked into her eyes with concern

"I need to tell you something"

"What is it?"

"Dean asked if I wanted to go get a cup of coffee, I said no of course for obvious reasons, but I'm so sorry I completely forgot to tell you, I mean I tell you everything, I don't know how-" Sabrina began to ramble

"Are you okay? He didn't do anything right?" Jess worriedly asked

"No he didn't, but I'm just sorry for not telling you, I should've told you"

"Sabrina, relax, you didn't do anything wrong, Dean was being a weirdo, what's new?"

"You're not mad?"

"Not mad at all" Jess smiled and took her hand into his

They walked some more through the carnival. They played dumb games, visited crazy booths, and ate way too much junk food. They stood at the bottle toss game when Dean and Clara walked up to them again.

"You missed" Clara laughed and pointed at Jess

Jess just rolled his eyes, Sabrina giggled and wrapped her arm around Jess'. Dean walked over to the side she was standing on and handed her a snow-cone. Out of fright, Sabrina instantly dropped it to the floor and held onto Jess tighter. Jess stared daggers into Deans eyes.

"Aw you dropped it" Clara said looking down at the mess on the floor

"Oh no, some of it spilled on me, I'm gonna go find some napkins" Sabrina excused herself

"Oo! I'll go with you" Clara followed behind

"What do you think you're doing?" Jess asked Dean once both of the girls were out of sight

"Nothing" Dean scoffed

"Doesn't look like nothing"

"Well it is"

"Stop trying to be all buddy-buddy with Sabrina, no one likes you"

"It was just a snow-cone, no biggie"

"Last time I checked, she doesn't want to talk to you. So will you leave us alone?"

"I'm not-"

"Why'd you ask her to coffee?"

"Look it's no big deal alright? It's just a small town, we're going to see each other, I just thought we could make some sort of peace. It wouldn't hurt to be polite"

"So you're just being polite?"


"Go be polite to someone else" Jess rolled his eyes and walked away to go find Sabrina.

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