4 Years Later

714 22 3

Sabrina took in a deep breathe before entering the building

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Sabrina took in a deep breathe before entering the building. She delicately began to hang up pieces of her artwork she had spent meticulous amounts of time and care for. She admired each one for a second before placing it on a wall or easel.

She laughed to herself when she realized that she criticized every artwork she picked up. Thinking about things she could've added or not added. It was too late now, it was her first ever art gallery and she couldn't be more thrilled.

She set out refreshments and prints of all sizes of her work for people to purchase. She couldn't bring herself to sell the originals not for her first gallery at least.

She had been apart of other people's galleries but this one was finally her own. Her artwork began to pick up traction and people began spreading her name. Eventually she got an offer for her very own gallery. She couldn't believe the reality, she was finally doing art as a full time career.

When she was done setting up and decorating, she peeked out the window and saw people were already lined up outside. That made her more nervous but happy people were so eager to see her newest collection.

She took in another deep breathe and put her hand on the door handle.

"You can do this Sabrina" She whispered to herself

She opened the door and welcomed people in. They all began to walk in and started pointing and observing all of the artworks.

"Hey!" Rory came from behind Sabrina

"Geez you scared me" Sabrina jumped

"This is so exciting!" Rory gushed

"I know, I'm so nervous"

"Well I'm so proud"

"Thanks Rory, and thank you for coming"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world"

"Ooo me too! I wouldn't miss it for the world either!" Lorelai came rushing through the doors

"Mom!" Sabrina exclaimed, immediately running over to hug her

"Aww hey sweetie, this is so cool!" Lorelai praised

"Thank you mom, and Luke so glad you came too" Sabrina turned to Luke

"Don't be too glad, I would've been here earlier if it wasn't for Mr. Grumpy pants over here"

"Hey do not put the blame on me, I was up and ready for three hours. You're the one demanded we stop for coffee" Luke defended

"Well you complaining about it took more time then actually stopping for it"

"You already had three cups!"

"Guys let's focus on what's more important, Sabrina and her first ever art gallery" Rory interrupted the couple

"You're right" Lorelai sighed

"I'm proud of you kiddo, these are really good" Luke complimented

"Hey who's that cutie working the print stand?" Lorelai questioned

"Oh that's just Micheal, I met him at another gallery and practically had to beg him to help sell prints" Sabrina explained

"Better hope he doesn't steal your profits" Luke remarked

"Don't be silly, I trust him" Sabrina laughed

"Yeah besides Luke, he's probably too scared of her anyways" Rory said

"Most men are" Sabrina beamed proudly before walking off to talk to more people.

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