A-Tisket A-Tasket Pt. 2

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Jess stands by the town gazebo observing all the baskets when he came to the realization he has no idea which one is Sabrina's.

He looks through the crowd trying to spot her when he sees Lorelai talking to of her daughters.

"Please be Sabrina this time" Jess thinks to himself before turning the girl around by the shoulder

"damnit not again, ahem, I mean hey Rory"

"Oh hey Jess, did you need something"

"Yeah, your sister, where is she?"

"What would you need her for, I can help you"

"Actually you work I guess, which basket is Sabrina's"

Rory rolls her eyes but then suddenly gets and awful idea, she points to her basket

"That one"

"Really? She spent all day on that basket and that's the best she could come up with, it's so sad- and pathetic looking, I thought she was an artist"

"just bid on it, okay" Rory rolls her eyes and walks off

Rory thinks about the logistics of her plan, Dean knows which basket is hers so she would have to get rid of him when it's time to bid, she would also have to get rid of her sister when her basket come up-

She pauses her thoughts, why am I doing all of this? I have Dean, Jess clearly likes Sabrina, what is wrong with me?

She looks at the baskets, then spots Jess again in the crowd, he finally met up with Sabrina, suddenly she is filled with rage and storms over to them

"Sabrina I need you"

"Okay but first can I- " Sabrina begins but is pulled off by Rory

"Woah Rory, what's the rush"

"I uh need your help"

"But the bidding's about to start"

"Please it's an emergency"

"Alright fine, what is it"

"I need you to distract Dean, I uh accidentally messed up the basket and I just need time to get a new one before he bids on it"

"What's wrong with yours"

"There's uh, rotting eggs in it, I could start to smell it from the crowd I just need to get rid of it please"

"First of all ew, but fine I'll help you, I don't want to be around for the bidding anyways"

"Wait- why not"

"Because of my surprise, you know for Jess, I left a note inside telling him to meet me on the bridge once he gets the basket"

"Oh- how uh sweet, look once I fix my problem I'll make sure Jess gets your note, just keep Dean away from the bidding"

"Okay thanks Rory, you're the best twin sister I could ever hope for" Sabrina smiles and pulls her sister in for a hug.

"Yeah well, you know me" Rory awkwardly laughs

Sabrina pulls Dean out of the crowd by pretending there was something wrong with her leg and she couldn't walk, she hysterically screamed at him to take her home. Dean carried her on his back out of kindness but mostly out of embarrassment and to get her to shut up.

Meanwhile Rory snuck around to the back of the gazebo and took the note out of Sabrina's basket and placed it in her own. Right as she did it Taylor began the bidding, she quickly ran back into the crowd standing near Jess.

"Hey where's Sabrina"

"Oh I'm sure she's somewhere" Rory fake searched through the crowd

After the bidding on Mrs. Kim's basket, which Kirk tried to buy but got scared out of it, Rory's basket came up. Rory quickly looked through the crowd and saw no sign of Dean or Sabrina.

"Five dollars, do I hear 10 dollars" Taylor yelled out to the crowd

"Twenty" Jess piped up

Rory shot him a look, which he didn't meet back, then looked back at Taylor

"Okay, we've got twenty going once, twenty dollars going twice. . . sold to the nice young hoodlum in the back for twenty dollars."

Jess ran up and grabbed the basket, after a look of disgust from what was inside of it, he picked up the note and headed in the direction of the bridge

"It's not too late Rory, you can still back out of this" She thought to herself as she watched Jess head off, suddenly she felt an arm on her causing her to scream

"Did you fix it" Sabrina meets her set of matching eyes

"Uh yeah, I did"

Sabrina looks at the gazebo noticing her basket still up there.

"Oh darn, I was hoping mine would be gone by now, where's Jess?" Sabrina looks around

"Uh he said he forget to bring his money so he went to go get that"

"What a dork"

"Uh yeah, where's Dean?"

"you know I have no idea, I made up some weird medication and told him I desperately need it and sent him on a wild goose chase"

"Oh haha, you know I think I'm gonna go find him"

"Oh alright I'll see you later"

"Yea see you"

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