Debutante Ball pt. 1

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Sabrina walked into the diner overhearing her mother and sister's conversation

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Sabrina walked into the diner overhearing her mother and sister's conversation. It sounded similar to the one Rory had with her this morning, Rory doubting her writing skills and both of them doing their best to reassure her she doesn't suck. Just then Luke walks over to the counter with three mugs full of coffee.

"Coffee, Coffee, Coffee." He says placing the mugs down in front of each girl "Okay, what do you want? Eggs, Toast, combo ?"

"What's the rush there, Zippy?" Lorelai asks

"I'm just swamped this morning. I was supposed to have help but I don't. So order right now or I'm bringing the both of you an egg white omelet with a side of steamed spinach."


"French Toast"

"Hmmm that omelet doesn't sound too bad" Sabrina says while tapping her chin

"What!?" All three of them exclaim while turning their heads towards her

"Kidding, waffles extra whipped cream"

Luke just rolls his eyes before turning to the kitchen, just as Jess walks in.

"Jess you were supposed to be down here," Luke was about to scold Jess on his time management but found something, in his opinion, that needed way more scolding for "What the hell is that?"



"That is a shirt"



"Go upstairs and change your shirt"

"I like this shirt"

"How can you like that shirt?"

"It brings out my eyes"

"Hey, part of the deal of you staying here is that you work here, and when you work here you will wear proper work attire, and that is not proper work attire. Now go upstairs and change into something that won't scare the hell out of my customers."

"Whatever you say Uncle Luke" Jess ends the conversation by going upstairs.

"Gross shirt" Lorelai says once Luke is in the kitchen

"Yeah" Rory agrees

"Good band" Sabrina adds

The two other Gilmore girls nod in agreement.

"Well I'm off to school" Sabrina says

"Wait isn't that my blue sweater?" Rory question

"Uh no"

"Yeah it totally is, and my black skirt, geez you raided my whole closet"

"I don't know what you're talking about" Sabrina quickly runs out the diner and off to school

"I guess she didn't want her waffles" Lorelai says grabbing the waffle plate from Luke.

Walking down the street Sabrina tugs her blue sweater down. For some reason looking through her closet and practically turning it upside down and inside out she just wasn't happy with anything she owned.

"I hate how self conscious I've become, I don't even know why" Sabrina thought to herself

Approaching the building Sabrina felt a rush of fear, almost nervousness, like her heart was about to burst out of her chest.

"What is with me today, I've never been nervous for school" Sabrina lightly punched the side of her head to erase her thoughts, and entered the building with the same old smile she had every morning since preschool.

Jess wasn't at school today probably suffering Luke's wrath. Sabrina stayed unusually quiet during all her classes today; zoning out more then usual. Even after school she went straight home without saying goodbye to anyone. She plopped down at her kitchen table where her mom sat doing homework.

"You okay there hon?" Lorelai questioned as her daughter layed her head down

"I'm unsure"

"Well you want to talk about it?"

"No I rather just lie here, waiting for whatever impending doom wants to come for me"

"Okay you do that then"

A few minutes go by before Rory returns home from their grandparents house.

"I'm coming out" Rory announces, Sabrina keeps her head down uninterested in whatever nonsense her grandmother might've roped her into.

"Out of what?" Lorelai responds

"Out into society"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well I stopped by Grandmas house after school"

"Okay, right away bad"

"And, um, her DAR friends are all there and they're talking about this debutante ball that's being thrown."

"Oh no"

Right then Sabrina couldn't contain her laugh, she lifted her head up and cackled all the way out her chair and up the stairs. She couldn't believe Rory got herself into this.

"Wait, what if Rory got me into this too......"

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