Jess's first day

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(Outfit vibes)

Sabrina quickly finished her danish and continued walking school drinking her coffee

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Sabrina quickly finished her danish and continued walking school drinking her coffee. The sun was blaring down on her so she grabbed her sunglasses out of her bag, she was about to pull out her head phones but she heard someone jogging up to her.

"Hey" it was Jess

"Hey yourself, uh that was quite a disappearing act you pulled the other night"

"Potlucks and Tupperware parties aren't really my thing."

"Uh huh, so you excited for your first day of school" Sabrina asked sarcastically


"I'm guessing smelly football players aren't really your thing either" she joked and Jess just lightly laughed in response

As they continued walking Jess observed her from the top down. She was wearing a white cottage top and a light wash jean miniskirt, he was relieved when he looked down and saw just plain pink socks slightly peeking out from her white converse. Strange how she could go from, in his opinion, looking completely deranged to a normal teenage girl within a few days of knowing her.

"Oh thank god, you aren't wearing those hideous hideous socks again" Jess said still looking down

"Yeah but sadly you're still wearing that hideous jacket" Sabrina said rolling her eyes, she lets out a laugh to let him know she's only joking and he slightly chuckles along.

""So uh have your schedule?" Sabrina continues

"Yep" Jess says while pulling out a crumpled paper from his back pocket

Sabrina pushes up her sunglasses and examines it.

"Oh cool we have 3 classes together"


"Yea, history, english, and art, small town small school"

They arrive at the school but before entering she snatches his schedule again and writes down a number

"What's this?" Jess questions

"My locker number, since you're new you get to pick yours out, and there's an empty one near mine" She over dramatically winks before someone down the hall calls her name and she rushes off.

During history Jess slid into the seat behind Sabrina, who was fixing her hair and makeup in a handheld mirror. She slightly tilted it and noticed jess behind her in the reflection. She turned around and greeted him, in response he nodded never taking his eyes off the book he was reading.

She tapped her red almond snapped nails decorated with a cherry gem on his desk, examining his book.

Jess slightly smirked as he watched her awkwardly bend her head to try and read the title of his book. Once she realizes what he's reading she scrunches up her nose, causing Jess to finally give her his full attention.

"Are you hate reading that, or do you genuinely enjoy it?"

Before he could answer the teacher walks in, and Sabrina whips around so fast she smacked Jess in the face with her hair. Disgusted, Jess scoots his entire desk back to avoid having that ever happen again. He did, however notice her hair had a pleasant smell, almost coconutty.

The class seemed to drag on forever, Jess kept himself occupied by watching Sabrina endlessly doodle in her notebook.

He watched her quietly rip out a page and without looking back she swiftly placed the paper down on Jess's desk. He flipped it over only to reveal a mocking drawing of the teacher. Jess tried to cover up his laugh as a cough causing entire class to look over in his direction, Sabrina still facing forward smiled to herself in satisfaction.

Her Nails 💅

———————————————————————————Her Nails 💅

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