Not in my house (2)

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Scene continued: Dunphy household

Claire : Oh, god. Really?

Phil : Yeah.

Claire : That actually makes me feel kind of bad.

Phil : Well... You're probably just feeling a little tense from all this.
I know I am. You know what might help the situation?

Claire : Really? Right now?

Phil : I meant going out for a few pizzas. Where's your mind? I
guess I live in a house full of sex maniacs.

(Cut the scene)

Earlier, Uncle Mitchell and Uncle Cameron were going to see a puppet show with Lilly but their gardener started crying and Uncle Cameron was once again had compulsion to do something to help him ease his pain.

Scene: Pritchett- Tucker household

Cameron : Amigo? We can't help you if you won't come out.

Cesar : Gracias por invitarme a su casa. Me averguenzo de mis

Mitchell : What'd he say?

Cameron : Something... House... Something.

Mitchell : Oh, come on! The show starts in a half-hour, and we
still have to pick up Manny. Can... can we just... Come on, move
this thing along.

Cameron : Okay, this man is in crisis. He could have a family-
health issue or a personal-health issue or a financial matter.

Mitchell : Okay, wait, stop. You're getting all this from "something
house something"? Let's just call Gloria and have her deal with it,

Cameron : "it" is a human being, Mitchell!

Mitchell : Named caesar salad.

Cameron : Okay, what's going on with you?

Mitchell : Cam, you... mnh! You always do this! It's like you're
incapable of hearing anyone's sad story Without making it your
job to fix it, And then my needs... my needs come second.

Cameron : Your needs right now are a puppet show. This man
could have lost his brother in a cable-car accident!

Mitchell : You understood "casa."

Cameron : Okay, fine. If it'll prove to you that I'm not the obsessive
help- aholic that you make me out to be, Let's go to the puppet

Mitchell : Cam...

Cameron : Let's go.

Woman : Ay, ¿dónde está mi novio? Su camión está aparcado

Cameron : I think this has something to do with the gardener.

Mitchell : You think?

Cameron : Um, just down the hall to the right.

Woman : Ay, gracias, gracias. Perdón.

Cameron : Okay. Let's go.

Mitchell : Oh, no, please... I know it's killing you not to get back
there in the middle of that.

Cameron : Oh, no, no, no, no. We are going. These folks can find
their own way out. And now you'll know that I'm not a manic
mother Teresa out there collecting lost souls.

Mitchell : Oh, come on!

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Pritchett household

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