Chapter - 1

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Author Note

Hello everyone!

You may have read this story on another account some months back and I am glad that you all have showered it with your love.

We deleted this story back from that account because I felt that I couldn't complete it. I thought it was not a good one when there were a lot of good stories to read. Moreover, I was distracted and couldn't focus on writing then. This was my first writing work ever and it always took me so much time to think and write.

But a few days ago someone asked my friend about this story and then I decided to republish it. I can't promise that I will finish it. But I will try to write again so that I can finish it.

I also want to clarify that the medical terms mentioned in this story are not accurate and most of them are the author's imagination. So, please ignore the liberty that I took while writing it.

Hope you will enjoy this amateur work. Happy reading guys and please point out grammatical mistakes as English is not my native language.


Sweating profusely with his hospital clothes sticking to his body and the whole of his left arm aching continuously because of the needles that were pierced into his skin, when he opened his eyes, the room was dimly lit. It took him some moments to fight with the blurriness of his unshed tears before he could look around and see clearly.

Three years on bed. From this hospital to that hospital. The beds changed; the rooms changed; only three things stayed constant in his life – the nauseous smell of medicines around him, these nightmares that would never cease to chase him and the love in his heart for his beloved.

She died... she died just like that... leaving behind this wounded soul.

Why did he also not die with her? Why is he still not dying? What is he alive for?

Tears rolled down the corner of his eyes as they soaked into the pillows. He tried to move a little and change sides on the bed. The familiar unbearable pain hit the lower part of his spinal cord and then there was the heaviness sitting on his chest, on his head. This pain never goes, it will never go. He gritted his teeth, shutting his eyes at his instant, waiting for the pain to go away.

He did not know when did the pain actually go because before it did, he fell unconscious, lying in the same position, like countless times in the past... losing consciousness only to have another nightmare.

Another dream where she is dying, his unborn child is crying for him but he...... he could not save them.


"Hmm? Did you call me?", Wang Yibo looked into the eyes of the woman in front of her.

"No", she blinked.

"Oh! I thought you called", Wang Yibo looked around absent-mindedly, as if searching for someone. He felt as if someone called him from behind.

As soon as Miss Qui saw the impatient face of the bewildered man, she immediately smiled. "I greeted you just now. I think you are lost somewhere. Hello Doctor! Nice to meet you."

As the woman said, Yibo nodded, trying to muster a formal smile. "You can wait inside. Dr. Shen will be coming soon." He pointed to a door on the left.

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