Chapter - 6

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Xiao Zhan was lying on the bed and looking outside through the parted curtains of the window. The red tinge spread all around had now disappeared and in its place, a bright yellow glow had taken everything in its lap.

He was alone… in a prison-like white-painted room.

Xiao Zhan felt pain in his back. The pain was caused by lying in the same position for more than an hour. If he wanted to get rid of the pain, he would have to turn on his side, so he struggled to move a little, knowing that his efforts would not be successful. No matter how hard he tries, the numbness in his back and lower limbs never allows him to turn on his own.

Since that incident, he almost forgot what it felt like to be independent, he forgot the excitement of being on his feet, sitting without any support. Moreover, he forgot what it was like to be alive and optimistic. The once most optimistic and cheerful boy among those around him was nowhere to be found. He was lost, trapped in the memories of his loved ones.

What was left behind was a soulless body that was breathing for others but for him, it was dead inside. No more desire, no more wishes, no more dreams... just an empty shell.

He raised his hand and ran it through his hair as desperation overcame his senses. He wanted to cry, to let out all those bouts of discomfort that came back with fresh waves of pain.

But it seemed tears refused to come out of his orbs after all the cries he had in the morning.

He laughed a painful laugh at his helplessness... even now tears had the guts to play with him, to deceive him, when he needed them most to wash away the frustration that was brewing inside his broken heart.

Just then, a low sob escaped his mouth when Mrs. Xiao entered the room, holding her phone to her ear. She was talking to someone on the phone, there was seriousness in her tone. As soon as she took the first step inside the room, she was greeted by a low shriek, which startled her. She quickly went to Xiao Zhan's bed who was struggling in bed to get some relief from his pain.

“What happened A-Zhan? Is there any pain?” holding his hand gently, she asked with concern.

He looked at her with glistening orbs and a lone tear escaped from his reddened eye. Her heart twisted at the sight.

“What is it A-Zhan? Tell Mama.” Wiping that alone tear out from the corner of his eye, she inquired again.

“It hurts.” He said squirming on the bed.

“Where does it hurt? Wait.. I'll call the doctor." She left his side to turn but he held her hand.

“No” He refused to let her go. “It hurts to lie down like this. Help me sit down." Xiao Zhan raised his head from the pillow and told his mother what he wanted.

He put the phone, still connected, on the bedside table. It seemed that even the person on the other end of the call had an idea of what was happening on his side. So, the caller waited patiently.

Taking a pillow from under Xiao Zhan's head, he placed it against the head of the bed. She lifted him, placed her hands under his shoulders, and gently pulled him towards the headboard. She rested his back on the pillow. To avoid any further discomfort, she put another pillow under his numb feet. He felt a little relieved. The pain started to reduce slowly.

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