Chapter - 28

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And finally, he failed!

Sighing in defeat and pausing to fiddle with his fingers, he reached for the glass. His mind lost the battle and he had no reason to be stubborn. He picked up the glass with a trembling hand and brought it to his lips, while the other hand went at the bottom of it to keep it from shaking and to support it to prevent the liquid from spilling out.

Before taking a sip of the sweet drink, he glanced at the half-open door and after making sure that no one was watching him, he took a sip from it. This was as per his liking. He could not hold it in any longer and like a starving man he emptied it in one go.

A satisfaction caved on his face at the nurturing of his appetite and fulfilling his craving.

Unbeknownst to him, two eyes were peeking out from behind the door and their owner was smiling with satisfaction at his victory. He made it possible without forcing other against his will.

As soon as Xiao Zhan put the empty glass back on the tray, Wang Yibo made his appearance through the door. Xiao Zhan was frightened by his sudden arrival. He was scared thinking that he might have caught him emptying the drink. When Wang Yibo went to his bed, Xiao Zhan lowered his eyes.

Wang Yibo looked at the tray and pretended to be shocked to see the empty glass. "Where did the drink go?" He tried to be shocked and believe that at that moment, Xiao Zhan wanted nothing more than to run and hide somewhere to escape those questioning eyes. But can he? No, so, he dealt with it slyly.

"How would I know? You should have known because you were the one who left it. I'm not here to keep an eye on it." Xiao Zhan replied indifferently, heart pounding with embarrassment inside. He was unable to lift his eyes.

Wang Yibo smiled after hearing the answer, put the tray back on the table and sat down on the bed. "Hmm... You're right. It was my responsibility to protect the precious drink from stealers." He sighed dramatically and glanced secretly at Xiao Zhan. "Now, I must find the culprit."

Xiao Zhan felt that this comment was aimed at him. He started feeling uncomfortable and Wang Yibo was enjoying his misery like a bad boy. No, it was not any real suffering but the childish plight of a child who got irritated by every thing.

"Now that someone has stolen it, what should I do to catch them?" He scratched his pointed chin in a gesture of being in deep thought.

"Hey, I didn't steal. It was mine, my favorite and I drank it because it was for me, not for anyone else." When Xiao Zhan received another accusation from the quiet man, he couldn't take it anymore and insisted on defending himself when he was called a thief. He knew that the other was saying everything deliberately to tease and trap him so that he could hear it from him. Despite knowing, he still fell into the trap.

Wang Yibo couldn't help but chuckle at Xiao Zhan's childlike behavior. How many sides does this man hide inside himself? Wang Yibo was astonished.

After Xiao Zhan accepted, he felt humiliated and become silent.

Wang Yibo pulled out a box from the drawer and took out a tissue from it. He passed it to Xiao Zhan and asked him to wipe his lips which contained evidence of who the culprit was. Xiao Zhan thought he would die of embarrassment. Why couldn't he control his urge? With no other option, he took the tissue and wiped his mouth. Wang Yibo got up and threw the used tissue into the trash.

"Let's go." Wang Yibo bent down and picked up Xiao Zhan in his arms.

"Where to go?" Xiao Zhan asked in surprise but did not try to stop Wang Yibo.

"To see the view outside." Wang Yibo took him to the wheelchair and carefully seated him in it. He moved the chair towards the window and brought Xiao Zhan in front of the window glass.

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