Chapter - 30

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The evening was approaching. It was getting dark outside. This was nothing new for the mountains. As early as morning comes, night falls even sooner in the mountains. Mainly when thick dark clouds are rising in the sky and are desperate to snatch the red sphere shining in the sky and hide it behind them. Even now, with the same intention, they were hovering proudly towards the west, where the shining orb was about to end its day's wandering and sink into the lap of the valleys.

But before their departure, some rays came and met with the wet soil, as if before leaving, they wanted to say good night and wanted to assure that they would come again the next morning to meet the earth, and would take away its(earth's) darkness and fill it(the earth) with their(sunrays) warmth.

Satisfied with the pleasant departure of its rays, the sun was running towards the mountains with fast steps, ready to fall into their lap. The scene was charming.

Sitting in front of the large window of the living room, Xiao Zhan looked at the scene in awe. He was watching the sunset after a long time. Since the accident, during the time he was out of the hospital, he was either behind closed doors in his room or was traveling in an unconscious state due to the effects of medication. He never got a chance to see sunrise or sunset. Now that he was able to see it, he wanted to save it in his memory.

Looking at the beautiful scene in front of him, he recalled the day Wang Yibo had talked to him and made that deal to convince him.

"Let's Make a Deal!"

As soon as Wang YiBo's words reached Xiao Zhan's ears, his head quickly turned around, to Wang YiBo, under the impression that he had made a mistake in hearing? He doubted whether he had heard properly or not. Somewhere Wang YiBo was probably joking with him or he was making fun of him by saying this.

Xiao Zhan looked at the doctor flabbergasted, still in the process of comprehending the words the other had uttered. He was confused. But when he saw Wang YiBo, sitting upright in his seat with a serious expression on his face as if he had not said anything or moved yet, Xiao Zhan thought that he was hearing unexpected things in a muddle?

He still wasn't sure- about his ability to hear correctly, but if what his ears received wasn't his hallucination, Xiao Zhan suspected this person was a doctor or a dealer. Does he treat all his patients the same or ask for some unexpected? Or it was only him with whom he was doing this?

So many thoughts pooled in his mind, giving him bizarre feelings.

At the time, unlike Wang YiBo's composer that he was emitting in front of him, Xiao Zhan was all but calm. A storm was brewing inside him and with it came curiosity which was ready to burst inside his chest.


What did he want to deal with the one who had nothing? What was he thinking while saying this? Does he have to do this? What does he want in return? Is this money?

If it is all about money then he was ready to give how much he would ask for. Maybe only by doing this, he would leave him alone. That way he probably didn't have to go with Wang Yibo. Maybe then he won't have to face him again. Was this the deal he wanted to make?

He thought and thought about every possibility but could not get the purpose of this doctor's words. He just wanted nothing at the moment, except the wish to get rid of the Wang YiBo.

Wang YiBo also did not elaborate further on what he had to say. He was only eyeing Xiao Zhan for his reaction. It seemed he was trying to read the shock that was not hidden by the expressions of the person he had just got an offer.

"Ahahaha........" Xiao Zhan burst into a dull laugh. "Are you really a doctor? Would you.....No, no. I know you are just ...mocking me, aren't you?" Wang YiBo did not expect this kind of reaction from him.

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