Chapter - 38

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As they left the hospital and drove towards the town, Xiao Zhan  couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the new road they were traveling on and the previous one. The road was wider, smoother, and better built, with a steady stream of people and vehicles passing through. It was a bustling thoroughfare that was a far cry from the quiet, tree-lined road they had just left behind.

The surrounding landscape was equally different. Instead of tall trees that stretched high into the sky, the new road was flanked by vast, open fields that stretched as far as the eye could see. The fields were a verdant green, filled with various crops that swayed gently in the breeze. He could see people working in those fields, bent over as they tended to the crops, plucked the ripe fruits, or harvested the grains.

At certain places, groups of people could be seen chatting and laughing while taking a break from their work. Their faces were tired from the day's toil, but their joy was evident in their smiles. They were a reminder that even in the midst of hardship, there was still room for happiness and laughter.

Through the riding, Wang Yibo took the time to point out the different farms and crops grown on the land. He also shared stories about the people who worked there, their struggles and triumphs. Xiao Zhan was impressed by Wang YiBo’s knowledge and found himself captivated by his words, hanging on to every detail with great interest. It was clear that Wang Yibo had a deep appreciation for people of his town.

As they drove along the road, Xiao Zhan's attention was fully captured by Wang YiBo’s words. He listened closely, feeling surprised by his own level of attention about what Wang Yibo had to say. The scenery around them began to shift as they left the open countryside behind and approached the outskirts of the town. They passed by several old wooden houses, which Xiao Zhan guessed must have belonged to local farmers. These buildings gave the impression of an old-fashioned, archaic town, and Xiao Zhan couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for a simpler time.

When they drove further into the town, the landscape changed again. The town was a fascinating blend of traditional and modern elements. Xiao Zhan's eyes darted back and forth, taking in the sights of the ornate, ancient architecture that blended seamlessly with the sleek lines of modern buildings. The streets were busy with people going about their daily business, some dressed in traditional outfits while others wore more contemporary clothing. It was a vibrant, bustling town that seemed to pulse with energy, and Xiao Zhan couldn't wait to explore it further.

As they were cruising down the busy road, Xiao Zhan's eyes caught sight of a traditional vegetable market that was teeming with life and energy. The market was overflowing with a wide variety of fresh vegetables and fertilizers. The voices were loud and boisterous there and vendors and buyers could be seen haggling over prices and exchanging their goods.

In contrast, Xiao Zhan's attention was drawn to the row of vibrant street food stalls that stood opposite the market. The stalls were alive with the sounds of sizzling food and the aroma of an array of dishes filled the air, and the sound of chatter and laughter could be heard from a distance. These stalls were livelier than the market, and Xiao Zhan was fascinated as he observed people gathering around them, chatting and munching on their snacks.

As he absorbed the sights and sounds of his surroundings, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. He hadn't seen so many people who were carefree and happy in a while. Lost in thought, he was suddenly jolted back to reality when Wang YiBo asked him, "Do you want something to eat, Xiao Zhan?"

Xiao Zhan's eyes lit up with excitement as he surveyed the tempting and mouth-watering food sold at the stalls. He was a big fan of street food, and the temptation was almost too much to resist. However, as he looked around at the busy market, he couldn't muster the courage to be left alone in the car again. The memory of the earlier incident was still fresh in his mind, so he reluctantly declined the offer.

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