Chapter -2

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As soon as Wang Yibo said the words, a strong vibration shook the table between them, and both were startled. Dr. Shen's phone on the table rang and his face grew worried as he glanced at it to see who the caller was. He quickly picked up the call.


"........." Wang Yibo could not hear what the other party was saying. What worried him was that his senior had suddenly jumped from his seat and was now on his feet.

"What happened?" By the time Dr. Shen questioned the other person on the call, Wang Yibo had also followed his senior and was now on his feet.


"Ok. I'm coming." Saying this, Dr. Shen ended the call and impatiently picked up his coat, which he had put behind while sitting on the sofa, as well as his other things.

"Come with me." He told Wang Yibo as he left the room. Wang Yibo followed without asking anything.


Two figures pass through a corridor without paying attention to their surroundings.  Dr. Shen was running as fast as running a marathon and Wang Yibo was trying to follow him at the same pace when his phone rang again. Without slowing down, he pulled it out from his pocket and glanced at the caller ID.


"Are you with Dr. Shen?” The voice on the call was a bit louder than usual but the main point was the slight pause the other took in between, which showed that he was asking for confirmation.

"Yes," Wang Yibo said calmly.

"Why?" The other person asked.

" We had to discuss a matter." He replied looking at the man in front of him who quickened his pace and completely ignored everyone who greeted him on the way to the elevator. He had never seen his senior like this before. He was the most stable person he had met in his life. He had been his inspiration ever since he joined here as an intern. Now he looked completely different.

"When did this old man leave you alone?  Aren't there any other doctors in his hospital?" The caller said angrily.

"Chen!!" Wang YiBo’s tone was sharp, warning the other person not to talk nonsense.  But the other completely ignored it and continued.

"Dude, I know how much you respect him, but don't you think he is taking advantage of your respect by calling you here almost every month to treat his patients? Can't they do it themselves? You have your own hospital to take care of."

"If you don't have anything else to say, I'm hanging up." Unknowingly, his voice got a bit high-pitched for the other man who was accusing his senior and didn't hear it.  He knew it was not so. Dr. Shen called on him every time because he trusted him... had confidence in his ability to handle any complications that might arise during treatment. That's why he often used to take his advice. But his friend did not understand this and always said what he should not do.

Hearing some loud noises coming from behind, Dr. Shen slowed down and looked back, turning his head to one side. When he saw Wang Yibo talking on the phone, he picked up his pace again.

"No, no... wait." Realizing that he has completely upset Wang YiBo, he tries to stop him from ending the call. When she found that Wang Yibo was still on the call, but was silent and waiting for him to say something, she asked further. "How are you going back home?"

"How else? Of course, I'll drive my ca..." And then he realized that his car was at the other man's place who was talking to him. He took a taxi from the airport to reach the hospital. His face palmed himself. How did he forget that?

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